枇杷の季節になりました☆ わたしがちっちゃいころに庭にまいた3つの枇杷のタネが、芽を出して成長して長い間実を付けてくれています。おととしくらいに台風で一本木が折れてしまったのと、木がかなり大きくなってしまってとなりの家に迷惑になってしまうので去年けっこう枝を切ってしまったので、今年は実が少なかったのですが、おいしくいただきました~☆
This time of the year, we get loquats off the tree which I planted a long time ago. Actually, I planted three seeds when I was a kid, and they grew, began to sprout, and have been producing fruits every year for a long time. A typhoon caused to fell one of them several years ago, and we cut most of the branches off for the other trees last year because they grew so big that they were disturbing the neighbor, so we only had a little fruits, but they were so good.