
ウィリー Willy


My family has a dog named Willy. He will turn 10 years old on the 12th next month. My family bought him when I was in America during my mission, so to him, I'm a stranger and he thinks he comes before me. His attitude towards me is totally different from the attitude towards my family. It's been pretty cold, and this luxurious dog has been sleeping in Kotatsu (traditional Japanese heater) every day. My family has been having a hard time to get him out for a walk. He refuses to go out. What a dog!


メガトマト Mega Tomato


I went to McDonald's and bought a Mega Tomato yesterday before I began fasting(Do Mega burgers exist in the US??) . I used a cell phone coupon, so I could get it cheaper. I thought it was much smaller than I expected. Didn't seem "Mega" at all to me. But, there were three patties in the burger, so I guess it was mega enough, ha ha.


パイナップル Pineapple


I planted a pineapple. I learned this from my friend last year and I have been wanting to try this. I have to keep this in a warm place since it's winter and very cold now. My friend said a pineapple will grow on the leaves??? I will see what happens.


念願のデジカメで初詣! A New Year's Visit to a Shrine with My New Digital Camera.

あらためて、明けましておめでとうございま~す!今年もよろしく! 実は元旦にコジマで念願のデジカメをゲットしました!で、さっそくとなりの神社にお参りに行ったときにためし撮りしてみました。あんまりきれいに撮れてないようだけれど、カメラが悪いんじゃなくて、まだカメラの使い方がよく分からないからなんですとよ~。このカメラはすごいっすよ!

Again, Happy New Year to you all! I finally bought a digital camera on the new year's day, and took some pictures at a shrine which is next to my house. These pictures are not so clear, but that's because I still haven't learned how to use the camera yet. The new camera is really awesome!