
パイナップル Pineapple


I planted a pineapple. I learned this from my friend last year and I have been wanting to try this. I have to keep this in a warm place since it's winter and very cold now. My friend said a pineapple will grow on the leaves??? I will see what happens.

4 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...


匿名 さんのコメント...


Tara さんのコメント...

Google images for "pinapple growing" and you'll see what it looks like. I've never seen it before! I'm excited to see how yours turns out.

mikeeks さんのコメント...

Actually...it already died, aha ha. I will try to plant again when it gets warmer. Then, after 3 years, I can have a pineapple!