
クリスマス Christmas

Santa brought William a Winnie the Pooh bear.

With American grandparents

頑張って作りました! “忍者”ブレッドクッキー
I did my best! "Ninja"bread cookies.

The tree at Brian's parents and many presents.

William got a new toy.





Can't believe Christmas is already over! I'll post some of the pictures. Oh by the way, it snowed on Christmas day, so we had a white Christmas!

We didn't get up until late morning since we all went to bed late on Christmas Eve. After we got up and got ready, we opened the presents that were under our tree. There were many of them from Santa as well as the ones from each other.

In the afternoon we headed to Brian's parents. We spent most of the afternoon relaxing. After we had dinner we started opening the gifts that had been piled up under the tree. Since we started late, it was after 12:30 am the next day when we came home. We had a great time with our family, but were so exhausted.

It was William's first Christmas and he got many gifts like toys, stuffed animals, picture books, clothes. Hope he was satisfied. :)


いとこ3人 Three Cousins


These are the pictures of three cousins together for the first time for Thanksgiving. I have posted some of my favorite ones.

日本からの荷物 A Package from Japan


A package from my parents came yesterday. I had asked them to send some Japanese stuff, and of course most of the stuff was food. Cup ramens, rice crackers, cookies, etc. I'm so happy! My parents somehow sent me Ritz crackers from Japan and I just didn't get it. They think Ritz is Japanese stuff?? Anyhow, I am going to have some cup ramen for lunch now. :)


思いがけない贈り物 Unexpected Gift



A package arrived unexpectedly today. I thought it was for Brian, but as I looked the label on the box, I saw my name! It was sent by my friend who is from the same home ward and living in Utah now. There are many gifts for William in the box, and she even sent me some ramens too! She handmade the one with an elephant patchwork, and if you take a close look at it you can see the name William underneath. I was soooo happy to have received the package and was so grateful for my friend, so just had to mention on my blog.

By the way, Brian just bought the Christmas hat William has on his head, but it was too small for him to wear. Too bad!


ラザニア Lasagna


We had Lasagna for dinner last night and the night before. In fact we had Lasagna at the ward Christmas dinner on Tuesday evening as well. Three nights in a row. We had no idea that they would serve Lasagna at the ward dinner, and had already planned meals for this week, so oh well. But We only got to eat a little bit at the Christmas dinner, so we were glad that we could eat tons at home. :) But there are only two of us, so we have tons more left. 

一人遊び Playing by Himself


William started to play on the floor by himself lately. Since he has been getting heavier, it's hard for me to be holding him for a long time, and it's not so good that he sleeps long hours during the day, so it helps that he can entertain himself. Another thing he has been doing is to bring both his hands in front of his face and look at them. I think he found the existence of his hands. I weighed him yesterday and he weighed more than 11 lbs! More than three times bigger than when he was born. No wonder he feels heavy!

ベーキング Baking

オレンジボウノット Orange Bowknot

 フランスパン French Bread

 シナモンロール Cinnamon Rolls

 チョコバナナナッツマフィン Chocolate Banana Nuts Muffins

 バタースコッチバー Butterscotch Bars


Lately I have been baking a lot. I posted pictures of melon bread and pao de queijo the other day, but since then I have baked orange bowknot (orange bread), French bread (couple times), chocolate banana nuts muffins, cinnamon rolls, butterscotch bars, etc. It seems like I bake whenever I find time. I loved cinnamon rolls the best. And I was so thrilled by French bread because I never thought I could bake them by myself. They are so easy to bake and now I can bake them whenever I want some for dinner. :)


ウェディングケーキの一年後 Wedding Cake - A Year Later


This is our wedding cake from last year. I guess there is a tradition around here to save some wedding cake in a freezer and eat it a year later. We totally forgot about this cake on our anniversary, so just tried last night. I could hardly say it was good. It sure tasted like it was in a freezer for a year!

アイダホポテト Idaho Potatoes


This is a bag of Idaho potatoes we recently bought. It's about 3 dollars and has about 25 of good size potatoes (10 lbs). It's so hard to use them all. I used some for the pao de queijo the other day and will be using some for cream stew for dinner tonight. Even after that, there will be so many left still. :(


ポン・デ・ケージョ Pão de queijo

昨日また急に食べたくなったもの,それはブラジルの食べ物「ポン・デ・ケージョ」(チーズのパン)。もちろんないのでまた作る羽目に。急に思い立ったので必要な材料が十分なくてちょっと微妙な出来上がりだったけれど,満たされました~☆ でも最近ほんとやばいぞ。確実に食べ過ぎてる。ストレスたまってるかも。。。

All the sudden I had a craving for Pão de queijo, Brazilian cheese bread. So, I had to bake them just like I had to with Melon bread the other day. I didn't have enough amount for some of the ingredients, so they turned out to be a little different from what I expected, but I was satisfied. I have been eating so much lately and have to do something about it...


もう少しでクリスマス♪ Christmas Is Almost Here!!


Brian got us a Christmas tree yesterday. He decorated the tree and apartment all by himself. William was just fascinated by what was going on and kept looking around. Thank you Brian for the beautiful decoration!

鮭のムニエル Salmon Meunière


We usually go grocery shopping once a week on Saturdays. We decide what we want to eat for the coming week and buy those things that will be needed for the menus. Brian wanted to have some salmon, so we got some and had salmon meuniere for dinner last night. The green stuff is spinach with some olive oil, garlic, and lemon juice. I love it. I'm glad that I get to eat fish often. Thanks to Brian for liking seafood.


ウィリアム3か月 William Is Three Months Old


It has already been three months since my little William was born! I'm grateful that he has been blessed with good health and growing so well. He hardly smiles like this to me (he does to his daddy all the time though!), so I had to take the picture. :)

メロンパン Melon Bread


In the middle of the night last night, all the sudden I had this craving for Melon Bread. They are popular in Japan. I was tired and had never made this bread before, but just had to bake them. They were yummy!


感謝祭 Thanksgiving

From left: Chocolate pecan pie, Pumpkin pie, and Apple pie.
There were two other pies as well. :)


It was Thanksgiving Day on the 23rd. I have much to be thankful for. This year, O'Bannons and Strassers (Brian's sister's in-laws) got together at the Strassers (Brian's sister's) for the dinner. There was a ton of food - turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, stuffing, yam, salad, fruit, rolls, pie, and more. I got so excited to see all the food! My contribution was a chocolate pecan pie. We had a great time together.

From left: William, Edison, and Robbie


I met Robbie, another cousin of William and Edison who lives in Salt Lake, Utah for the first time. It was the first time all three cousins got together. 


ボイシ神殿再奉献式 Boise Temple Rededication

改装後のボイシ神殿 Boise Temple after renovation

以前のボイシ神殿  Old Boise Temple 

おととい18日(日)は,モンソン大管長によってボイシ神殿が再奉献されました!以前の大理石の外壁から美しい花こう岩に変わり,内装もだいぶ変わったようです(わたしは昔2度くらいしか参入したことがないので覚えてないのですが)。http://mormontemples.org/eng/boise/interior-photos で内装を見ることができます。とてもきれいです♪ 神殿はうちから車で約5分のところにあるのでとても祝福です。頑張って度々参入できるようにしなくちゃ。

Boise temple was rededicated on the 18th! Outside wall used to be marble, but now it's granite which is so beautiful. Before its renovation I had been inside the temple only twice, so I don't remember much about old temple interior, but the new one is amazingly beautiful. You can go to http://mormontemples.org/eng/boise/interior-photos to check it out. The temple is only 5 minutes away from my apartment and I feel so blessed to have a temple so close! I should try to attend often.


結婚一周年記念日&ウィリアム命名式 Our First Anniversary & William's Blessing


Last Sunday (the 11th) was our first anniversary. 11/11 is also my parents' anniversary. On that special day we blessed William at church too. Brian gave me a cute card and hand-carved jewelry box made in India. I made him his favorite banana cream pie. He loved it and that made me happy very much because I made it in the middle of the night in between taking care of William. It was totally worth the effort! Brian always chooses the card that makes me cry. I cried this time too. I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful husband and a cute son.


日本のもの Japanese Stuff


I ordered some Japanese stuff online last week. Yay! I had so many things I wanted to buy, but things are kind of expensive, so these are the things I chose. I love Japanese stuff! 


ハローウィン Happy Halloween!

今日はハローウィンです♪ といってもかぼちゃも彫ってないし,ハローウィンのデコレーションも特にしてないし,キャンディーもなし,と言いたいところだけれどキャンディーは少しだけ自分のために買ったんだな(笑) あとはウィリー君にたまたま出産祝いでいただいていたハローウィンの洋服を着せただけ。

そのウィリー君は29日で早いもので2か月になりました!今週2か月検診があるのでどのくらい大きくなっているか楽しみです☆ 数日前にアパートにある体重計で測ってみたところ,だいたい3600グラムちょいぐらいかな。生まれたときの倍ほど。すくすく元気に育ってくれていてうれしいです(^v^)

It's Halloween today, but we haven't done anything really - no pumpkin carving, no decorating our apartment, no candies - well, I got some for myself. lol Other than that, I just put William a pumpkin outfit that was given when he was born. 

William turned 2 months old on the 29th. He has a 2 months check up in a couple of days, so I'm excited to find out how big he has grown. We weighed him the other day on the scale we have in our apartment and think he weighs a little over 8 lbs now, twice as much as when he was born. We are happy that he has been growing so well. :) 


ネクタイ Tie


Before William was born, one of my friends sent me some onesies with ties sewed on. William tried one of them the day before for the first time. Doesn't he look great in it? :)


わたしの誕生日 My Birthday

10日はわたしの誕生日でした。今年は子供も授かって特別な誕生日でした。昼間は一日育児に追われて忙しく過ごし,夜はブライアンとささやかな誕生日会をしました。わたしはスポンジケーキがあまり好きじゃないので,ブライアンがDairy Queenでアイスクリームケーキを買ってきてくれました♪どのくらいの値段か分からないけれど,とても大きくて食べ終えるのに何日もかかりそうです。一緒にバースデーソングを歌ってケーキを食べて,プレゼントにはセイコーのソーラー時計をもらいました。何よりもうれしかったのはすばらしいメッセージの書かれたバースデーカードで,最近は育児で大変だったりしてとても疲れていたこともあってほんとうにそのメッセージありがたかったです。ブライアンありがとう!

It was my birthday on the 10th and was a special birthday for me this year with the baby. I had a busy day during the day taking care of the baby, and in the evening Brian and I had a little birthday party. Brian bought me an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen because I don't really like regular cake. I don't know how much it cost, but it was huge and will take for a while to finish eating it all. We sang a birthday song, had the cake, and Brian gave me a SEIKO solar watch. What made me happy the most was the birthday card which had a beautiful message. I have been really tired lately taking care of the baby all day, so the message was really appreciated. Thank you Brian!


10月3日 October 3rd

10月3日は当初出産予定日でした。が!とっくにウィリアムを出産してお腹もすっきりしてきました♪ そこでパジャマ姿だけど記念写真をパシャリ。

October 3rd...It was my due date, but I had William long time ago and my belly feels a lot lighter!


And this is William today.


だいぶ大きくなりました! Getting Bigger!

Such an angel while sleeping and having milk.

Turns into a little devil when crying!

ウィリアムが退院して15日たちました。あれから祝福されて特に問題なく,毎日よく飲んですくすく育っています♪ 少なくとも3時間おきごとにはおむつ換えたりミルクあげたりしなくてはならないので母はくたくたです。退院したときには日本のじぃじとばぁばが来てくれていたので色々助けてもらってとても助かりましたが,今はもう帰ってしまったので大変です(夜はブライアンが助けてくれるけど)。でもこの大変なくったくたのスケジュールにもだいぶ慣れてきたような気がします。疲れるけれどウィリアムの天使のようなかわいい寝顔にだまされて頑張っちゃうんだなぁこれが。笑 でも頑張っているかいがあって,生まれたときには1645グラムしかなかった体重も,今週月曜日に小児科に行ったときには2353グラムになっていました☆ ちびって言われないように大きくなるぞー!

15 days has passed since William came home from the hospital. He has been having good amount of milk and growing haealthy without any problems, which is a great blessing. On the other hand, the mom has been so exhausted since she has to change his diapers and feed him at least every 3 hours day and night. When William came home, my parents were here from Japan, so they would help me out with everything, but now that they are gone I have to do everything by my own during the day (In the evening, Brian helps me). But I think I am getting used to this crazy schedule. It's very tiring, but when I see little William's cute face while sleeping, I feel I can keep going. He only weighed 3 lbs 10 oz when he was born, but now weighs 5 lbs 3 oz (at last appointment on Monday). I hope he will continue to grow and nobody will be teasing him for being small!