ポン・デ・ケージョ Pão de queijo
昨日また急に食べたくなったもの,それはブラジルの食べ物「ポン・デ・ケージョ」(チーズのパン)。もちろんないのでまた作る羽目に。急に思い立ったので必要な材料が十分なくてちょっと微妙な出来上がりだったけれど,満たされました~☆ でも最近ほんとやばいぞ。確実に食べ過ぎてる。ストレスたまってるかも。。。
All the sudden I had a craving for Pão de queijo, Brazilian cheese bread. So, I had to bake them just like I had to with Melon bread the other day. I didn't have enough amount for some of the ingredients, so they turned out to be a little different from what I expected, but I was satisfied. I have been eating so much lately and have to do something about it...
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