
たくさんのパン♪ Bread, Bread, and Bread!!!

先週と今週教会に行くと,なぜかた~くさんのパンが置いてあって,お持ち帰り自由というんです。先週はパンをもらうのをちょっと遠慮していて(はい,日本人です~)教会が終わるころにパンのところに行ってみると,山積みだったパンの山が残り4つに!アメリカ人は全然シャイではありませんでした!ということで,今週は最初から気合いを入れてどのパンをもらうか狙いを定めたものの,教会が始まる前にパンをもらう勇気がなくて,聖餐会(一時間目)の後に行ってみたら,すでに狙っていたパン(バターミルク)がなくなっていて大ショック!でも先週もらいそびれてしまったホワイトブレッドを手に入れてルンルン。しかもその後でまだまだキッチンにたくさん山積みになっているのを発見!集会後に潜り込み,念願のバターミルクブレッドやシナモンブレッドを手に入れました♪ ブライアンも黒いパンを手に入れて合計4つもらってきました☆夕べブライアンがワード書記補佐の仕事をしに教会に行ったときに一つ別もパンももらってきたのも合わせて合計5つ冷凍庫に入ってます。祝福です☆

There were so many loaves of bread at church last Sunday and today. Though we were told that we could take them home as many as we wanted, I was kind of hesitant to go get some last week (I felt pretty Japanese, ha ha) and by the time I finally had courage to go get one, there were only 4 loaves of wheat bread left! I guess other people weren't shy at all! So, today when I saw a ton of bread again as I came into the church building, I decided to aim for a loaf of butter milk bread, but didn't have guts to take one right then. But I went back right after the sacrament meeting, and guess what, the butter milk bread was gone already! It was quite shocking, but I got a loaf of white bread which I like, so I was happy enough. Then, later I found out that there were tons more in the kitchen, so I went in there after the meetings and got a loaf of butter milk bread and cinnamon bread, and Brian got black bread, so we got total of 4 loaves including the white bread I got earlier. Plus, Brian got me another loaf of bread last night as he went to the church building to do some clerk job, so there are 5 loaves of bread in our freezer now. It's such a blessing!


チェス Chess


We played chess for Family Home Evening activity tonight. It had been a while since I played chess, so Brian had to teach me again how to play. I thought I used my brain better than the last time we played, but I only got two pawns, and of course I lost. :( Brian seemed happy that he won as he had expected.

父の日 Father's Day

Steve (My father-in-law) & Brian

 Steve opening gifts

Brownie Cheesecake



It was Father's Day yesterday. It was the first Father's Day as a father for Brian (well, I think it counts). My father-in-law seemed really happy that he received a book, watch, DVD, etc. as Father's day gifts. I baked brownie cheesecake for him and Brian. It turned out pretty good.

For my father in Japan, I ordered some Baumkuchen from Juchheim online store and had them delivered to him. He thinks food is the best gift to receive, so he loved it. :)


ドライチェリースコーン Dried Cherry Scones

ブライアンが朝ごはん用に明日仕事に持って行けるものがもうなくて,今晩ドライチェリーを使ってスコーンを作りました♪ 初めて作ったけれど意外と簡単にできました。一つ味見してみたけれど,とてもおいしかったぁ(^v^)

There was nothing Brian could take to work for breakfast for tomorrow, so I decided to bake some scones. It was my first time, but was pretty simple to make. I tasted one, and it was so yummy!


ベビーシャワー Baby Shower



I went to a baby shower for my sister-in-law. She got wipes, baby clothes and many more useful things. Some people gave her diapers, but no one else had made a diaper cake, so I was glad that I made it.

The food which had been prepared was all pretty yummy and I really liked how they were set on the table. I ate so much food there, but I had a good excuse. I was eating for two of us. :)


Talking about food, we had pizza from Pizza Hut for dinner last night. We ordered online and went to pick it up. We god a Spicy Sicilian pizza which had some beef topping, italian sausage, Jarapenos, and red onions. It was only $10 for a large pizza, much cheaper than Japanese pizza.


おむつケーキ Diaper Cake

今週土曜日にブライアンの妹のベイビーシャワーがあるのでおむつケーキを作ってみました☆初めて作って結構大変だったけれど,なかなか上手にできて満足♪ なんだか自分でキープしたくなっちゃう(笑)

There is a baby shower for Brian's sister this coming Saturday, so I decided to make a diaper cake for the first time. It was a bit hard, but I'm glad that it turned out pretty good. I kind of want to keep it for myself. lol


ハワイアン ヘイスタック Hawaiian Haystack

以前にもハワイアンヘイスタック作ったときに載せましたが,今晩の夕飯もハワイアンヘイスタック♪ ブライアンがわざわざアロハシャツに着替えてくれたので,レイをかけてあげて(というか無理やりかけて)ハワイアンヘイスタックと一緒に一枚パチリ。

I posted the picture of Hawaiian Haystack not long ago, but I am posting another one again. As soon as Brian came home and found out that we were having Hawaiian Haystack for dinner, he changed into an Aloha shirt, so I made him wear a lei and took a picture of him with the food. :)


大きくなってきました! Getting Bigger!!!


My belly is getting bigger and bigger. I will be 23 weeks tomorrow, going for 24 weeks! C-section is planned on the 39 weeks, so only 16 weeks left. It seems like so soon! I'm not quite ready to be a mom!


ナルニア国物語 The Chronicles of Narnia

つわりがひどくなってからずっと読んでなかった『ナルニア国物語』の3巻目が終わって4巻目を買ってきました♪ 話の中にすぅ~っと引き込まれるような感じで大好きな本です。小学生のときに『不思議の国のアリス』を読んでそのとりこになったときのことを思い出します。

It had been a while since I stopped reading The Chronicles of Narnia. I didn't feel like reading at all when I started having morning sickness. I finally started reading again last week and finished the 3rd book, and got the 4th one. I love The Chronicles of Narnia how I get draw into the book as I read, just like when I read Alice in Wonderland when I was in elementary school.


麻婆豆腐&スムージー Mabo Tofu & Smoothie


We had Mabo Tofu for dinner tonight. I don't like Tofu, but I like Mabo Tofu because I can't really taste Tofu. It was yummy but since it was hot today, I was sweating while eating.

昼間とても暑かったので,スムージーを作ることにしました♪ とってもさっぱりしていておいしかったぁ☆

It was really hot during the day today, so I decided to make some smoothie. It was so refreshing and tasted good!

ガールズナイト Girls' Night

 ハマス Hummus

手作りピザ Homemade pizza

夕べは教会員の友達数人と集まってガールズナイトをしました♪手作りピザやハマス(ヒヨコ豆とかレモンジュースなどいろいろブレンドして作るディップ)などをみんなで食べたりしながら『高慢と偏見』のDVDを最初から最後まで5時間続けて見ました!アメリカにいちばん初めに来た17年前に見たときには全然分からなくてイギリス英語だし好きな映画ではなかったけれど,今回見て大好きになりました♪ ブライアンがDVD持ってるみたいからまた見ようっと。

Some of my church friends and I had a girls' night last night. While having hummus, pizza, and etc., we watched "Pride and Prejudice" from the beginning to the end; yep, 5 straight hours! Seventeen years ago, when I first came to the US, I didn't like the movie as much since I didn't understand Enlglish much and the movie was in British English, but this time I really liked it. :) Brian has the DVD so I want to watch it again.

By the way, while I was gone for several hours, Brian was having a blast watching his favorite war movies. I don't like war movies because it gives me a heartache. Brian knows that I don't like them, so he usually watches them by himself while I am gone. So, whenever he finds out that I'm going to be gone, he says "Yes" or "Great!" with a big smile on his face. lol


韓国冷麺 Korean Cold Noodles

昨日の夕飯はそうめんを使って韓国冷麺を作りました♪ 最近友達のブログにそうめんで韓国冷麺を作ったって書いてあって,おいしそうで作ってみたくなりました。ということで近所の有機食品店にキムチを買いに行き,そこにあったキムチがなんだか色が薄くてあやしいなあと思ったけれど,それしかないから仕方なく買ってきてアパートに戻って来てから食べてみたら,なんだこりゃ!?というようなこれまで食べ慣れているキムチとは全く別物でかなりショック~。なんかガリをもっと酸っぱくしたような感じで,とりあえずブログの写真用に真ん中に乗せてみたけれど,写真撮ったあとにやっぱりまずくて食べれなくて捨てました。ごめんなさ~いキムチさん。でも友達に教えてもらっためんつゆはとってもおいしくて,キムチなしでも満足できました♪

We had Korean cold noodles for dinner last night. On one of my friends' blog, she mentioned how she cooked Korean noodles lately, and posted the picture which looked really yummy and made me want to eat them too. So, I went to buy some Kimchi at an organic store nearby, and the only kimchi they had looked a lot different from the ones I have seen before (It wasn't red but pink), and I was a bit skeptical, but I bought it anyway. I tried it when I came home, and it tested terrible!!! It was quite shocking to me. It tasted like Gari (pickled ginger), only a lot more sour. I put some on the noodle bowl just for the picture for the blog, but after I was done taking the picture, I just had to throw it away. Sorry, kimchi! You tasted too terrible! Though kimchi wasn't good, the soup recipe my friend gave me was very good, so the noodles tasted great even without kimchi. :)


And for dessert, we had green jello with some pineapples and carrots. Carrots don't sound good huh. But they actually taste pretty good in jello. :)