韓国冷麺 Korean Cold Noodles
昨日の夕飯はそうめんを使って韓国冷麺を作りました♪ 最近友達のブログにそうめんで韓国冷麺を作ったって書いてあって,おいしそうで作ってみたくなりました。ということで近所の有機食品店にキムチを買いに行き,そこにあったキムチがなんだか色が薄くてあやしいなあと思ったけれど,それしかないから仕方なく買ってきてアパートに戻って来てから食べてみたら,なんだこりゃ!?というようなこれまで食べ慣れているキムチとは全く別物でかなりショック~。なんかガリをもっと酸っぱくしたような感じで,とりあえずブログの写真用に真ん中に乗せてみたけれど,写真撮ったあとにやっぱりまずくて食べれなくて捨てました。ごめんなさ~いキムチさん。でも友達に教えてもらっためんつゆはとってもおいしくて,キムチなしでも満足できました♪
We had Korean cold noodles for dinner last night. On one of my friends' blog, she mentioned how she cooked Korean noodles lately, and posted the picture which looked really yummy and made me want to eat them too. So, I went to buy some Kimchi at an organic store nearby, and the only kimchi they had looked a lot different from the ones I have seen before (It wasn't red but pink), and I was a bit skeptical, but I bought it anyway. I tried it when I came home, and it tested terrible!!! It was quite shocking to me. It tasted like Gari (pickled ginger), only a lot more sour. I put some on the noodle bowl just for the picture for the blog, but after I was done taking the picture, I just had to throw it away. Sorry, kimchi! You tasted too terrible! Though kimchi wasn't good, the soup recipe my friend gave me was very good, so the noodles tasted great even without kimchi. :)
And for dessert, we had green jello with some pineapples and carrots. Carrots don't sound good huh. But they actually taste pretty good in jello. :)
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みきこちーん、さっそく作ってくれてありがとう♡キムチが本当に色が違うね?不思議だー! ジェローに人参とは驚きだよー!!斬新ですなー♪