
ガールズナイト Girls' Night

 ハマス Hummus

手作りピザ Homemade pizza

夕べは教会員の友達数人と集まってガールズナイトをしました♪手作りピザやハマス(ヒヨコ豆とかレモンジュースなどいろいろブレンドして作るディップ)などをみんなで食べたりしながら『高慢と偏見』のDVDを最初から最後まで5時間続けて見ました!アメリカにいちばん初めに来た17年前に見たときには全然分からなくてイギリス英語だし好きな映画ではなかったけれど,今回見て大好きになりました♪ ブライアンがDVD持ってるみたいからまた見ようっと。

Some of my church friends and I had a girls' night last night. While having hummus, pizza, and etc., we watched "Pride and Prejudice" from the beginning to the end; yep, 5 straight hours! Seventeen years ago, when I first came to the US, I didn't like the movie as much since I didn't understand Enlglish much and the movie was in British English, but this time I really liked it. :) Brian has the DVD so I want to watch it again.

By the way, while I was gone for several hours, Brian was having a blast watching his favorite war movies. I don't like war movies because it gives me a heartache. Brian knows that I don't like them, so he usually watches them by himself while I am gone. So, whenever he finds out that I'm going to be gone, he says "Yes" or "Great!" with a big smile on his face. lol

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