
ナルニア国物語 The Chronicles of Narnia

つわりがひどくなってからずっと読んでなかった『ナルニア国物語』の3巻目が終わって4巻目を買ってきました♪ 話の中にすぅ~っと引き込まれるような感じで大好きな本です。小学生のときに『不思議の国のアリス』を読んでそのとりこになったときのことを思い出します。

It had been a while since I stopped reading The Chronicles of Narnia. I didn't feel like reading at all when I started having morning sickness. I finally started reading again last week and finished the 3rd book, and got the 4th one. I love The Chronicles of Narnia how I get draw into the book as I read, just like when I read Alice in Wonderland when I was in elementary school.

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