
歩きたくて仕方ない! So Anxious To Walk!


I thought William just started crawling the other week, but he is already trying to stand up and walk! He always tries to hold onto something to pull himself up. He is growing too fast! I miss tiny William! 

寿司 Sushi


We went to Sushi place last Saturday to celebrate William's first Children's Day (He couldn't eat any Sushi though). It was all you can eat Sushi place called Sushi-Ya. They had various kind of fish and they were pretty good considering Idaho is far from the ocean, but so different from real Japanese sushi. :( I can't wait to have real sushi when I go visit Japan this summer.

母の日 Mother's Day

先日の母の日に,ブライアンとウィリアムから素敵なメッセージカードと大きなソルトレーク神殿の額縁に入った絵をプレゼントにもらいました☆ ブライアンの家族からもきれいな花をもらってとてもうれしかったです。母親としての毎日大変だけれど,また頑張れる力をもらいました。

Brian and William gave me a wonderful card and beautiful picture of Salt Lake temple. I also received beautiful flowers from Brian's family. They made me so happy. It's tough being a mother, but they gave me power to keep going.


ウィリアムの初節句のお祝い William's First Children's Day Celebration


It's a little late, but we are now celebrating William's first Children's Day (Japanese holiday). My parents sent him a really nice Kabuto (samurai warrior headpiece) from Japan, so we took pictures of William with the Kabuto. We also hang carps on a pole in the backyard. :) 

引っ越しました! We moved!


It's been a little over a week, but we moved into a house on 4/29. I don't have the picture of the house yet, so I post the picture of the apartment while we were still packing before we moved. There were so many boxes and other things everywhere and there wasn't much space for William to play. I felt bad for him but he seemed having a great time.