Such an angel while sleeping and having milk.
Turns into a little devil when crying!
ウィリアムが退院して15日たちました。あれから祝福されて特に問題なく,毎日よく飲んですくすく育っています♪ 少なくとも3時間おきごとにはおむつ換えたりミルクあげたりしなくてはならないので母はくたくたです。退院したときには日本のじぃじとばぁばが来てくれていたので色々助けてもらってとても助かりましたが,今はもう帰ってしまったので大変です(夜はブライアンが助けてくれるけど)。でもこの大変なくったくたのスケジュールにもだいぶ慣れてきたような気がします。疲れるけれどウィリアムの天使のようなかわいい寝顔にだまされて頑張っちゃうんだなぁこれが。笑 でも頑張っているかいがあって,生まれたときには1645グラムしかなかった体重も,今週月曜日に小児科に行ったときには2353グラムになっていました☆ ちびって言われないように大きくなるぞー!
15 days has passed since William came home from the hospital. He has been having good amount of milk and growing haealthy without any problems, which is a great blessing. On the other hand, the mom has been so exhausted since she has to change his diapers and feed him at least every 3 hours day and night. When William came home, my parents were here from Japan, so they would help me out with everything, but now that they are gone I have to do everything by my own during the day (In the evening, Brian helps me). But I think I am getting used to this crazy schedule. It's very tiring, but when I see little William's cute face while sleeping, I feel I can keep going. He only weighed 3 lbs 10 oz when he was born, but now weighs 5 lbs 3 oz (at last appointment on Monday). I hope he will continue to grow and nobody will be teasing him for being small!
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