
ダイニングセット Dining Set


We just got a new dining set!! We only had a small dining table for two people and couldn't invite anyone for dinner. This new one has six chairs, and the table expands so eight people could be seated at the table. I love it.


メモリアルデーウィークエンド Memorial Day Weekend


We went to Portland, Oregon for Memorial Day weekend. The main purpose of the trip was to get a Japanese passport for William (Japanese consulate is there). While we were in Portland, we went to Chinese Garden and Cannon Beach. We also visited Brian's friend and his family and had a great time with them. Brian and I wanted to go to a Korean restaurant (we don't have any here in Boise), but William got tired by dinner time every night, so we end up not going. We had to have burgers and stuff instead. Sad! :(

ウィリアム9か月 William Is 9 Months Old


William turned 9 months old on May 29th. Now not only he can crawl but also stand up if he can hold onto something, and I have to keep an eye on him. He has been growing well and he now has a bottom tooth. It's good that he is healthy and growing well, but he is so energetic day and night, and I can't keep up with him.