
フォー Pho


We had Pho for dinner last night and tonight (I thought Pho was Thai food, but was Vietnamese food). Brian cooked it for us. It was very tasty. I love Asian food like this!


ウィリアムの手形取り2回目 Getting William's Hand Print Again


We tried to get William's hand print again tonight for the Family Home Evening activity. It doesn't look that great but turned out a lot better than the last time, so I have nothing to complain about.

ウィリアムの散髪 Gave William a Haircut


I cut William's hair two days ago. His hair was getting out of control, so I'm glad he looks better now. 


元気いっぱいのウィリアム William with Full Energy


It's really cold already, but William has so much energy. He ran toward a pot to play with the dirt inside. 


2年目の結婚記念日 2nd Anniversary





November 11 was our 2nd anniversary. Time went by fast!. Both Brian and William were kind of sick, so we just celebrated our anniversary at home with red Thai curry and banana cream pie. As you can see in the pictures, the pie was a failure. The cream didn't set right. 

Brian gave me a sweater as a gift. I made the pie, and also lunch for him (I don't usually make it). 

November 11th is a special day because it's also my parents' anniversary and William's blessing day.

I hope we can spend great time together for a long time.


Trunk or Treat

すっかり投稿するのを忘れていましたが,ハローウィンの日の夜に教会でTrunk or Treatがありました。普通は近所の家々を子供たちが回って歩き,Trick or Treatと言ってチョコレート菓子などをもらうのですが,教会では車のトランクを飾り付けしてお菓子を準備し,そこへコスチュームを着た子供たちがやってきてお菓子をくばるわけです。

ウィリアムも初のTrunk or Treatに参加しました(実はブライアンもわたしも初めて)。今年はウィリアム,スタートレックのスポックになりました。

I totally forgot to post this, but we went to Trunk or Treat on Halloween night. It was the first time for William (In fact, it was the first Trunk or Treat for me and Brian as well).

William became Spock from Star Trek. :)