We were having a pretty good day, but ended up going to ER. William got five stitches on his cheek. Thank you grandpa, grandma, and aunty for coming over!
今日庭の畑を見てみたら,ズッキーニの花が咲いていました!トマトもたくさん実がなってきて楽しみ♪ I went to see our garden in the backyard today and found a flower on a zucchini plant. Also, tomato plants have more tomatoes now. I'm so excited!
最近ずっと調子が悪くてあまり身動きができなかったので,その間にくす玉を作ってはまってしまいました。なかなかかわいくできてうれしいけどこれこんなにどうしよう。 I was not feeling well for the last three weeks or so, and couldn't do much, so I made Kusudamas (kind of like ornament or wind chime without a bell). They turned out pretty cute, but I'mnot sure what to do with them.