Hello all!! Blog debut, finally!! Whahooooo!! Actually, I'm not good with this type of things, so let's see how this will go. I don't even have a degital camera, so I can't even upload photos (I can use my cell phone's camera, but it's not so good). Anyways, I will do my best to keep this updated.
Hello all!! Blog debut, finally!! Whahooooo!! Actually, I'm not good with this type of things, so let's see how this will go. I don't even have a degital camera, so I can't even upload photos (I can use my cell phone's camera, but it's not so good). Anyways, I will do my best to keep this updated.
BTW, it's still super hot & humid here in Japan. When it's hot, we should drink a lot of water, but I tend to drink soda instead. I LOVE soda. I know it's not so good for you, but I can't stop drinking. Recently I found a new soda flavor at a convenience store. It's a tropical mango flavor (the picture is above). If you love mangos, you will love this one.
6 件のコメント:
Congrats Miki! The bilingual blog is pretty neat! I like fanta and I LOVE mangoes! If you're ever in Texas I hope you like Mexican food. If not, I'll show you that anything tastes good with mango salsa.
By the way, you asked me what the picture is on my bebo site... It's me with Mitt Romney.
Great idea Rikiki! Come back to California and I'll get you all the junk food you want!
Mmm...mango Fanta. I wish they'd come out with awesome flavors like that here in the US.
Mikeeks! I'm glad you have a blog because then I can see your shining face whenever I want to! You need to get some more pics up-- you should borrow one of your friends' digital cameras.
The part about the bangs made me giggle. I remember many a time you chopping your bangs with many regrets later-- you are so funny!
That's awesome that there's a SA group there. Tell those boys to get their butts in gear-- you could all be married off by the end of the year! :)
:) Louise chan! I still struggle with English quite a bit. Correct my mistake whenever you find one. No no, I don't think it's Mitt Romney... I was asking about the fish or something you were touching with gloves. What is it?!
:) Arianne P, Oh I so wish to get back there, and eat all the junk food the US possesses. Wait for me, I will come!!
:) まみたん、おひさ~。ブログとかぜーんぜんダメなんだけれど、やりだすと結構はまるタイプかも。おかげで寝不足です、あはは。
:) Hi Beau! I wish you could try Fanta Mango. It's one of the best flavors I've ever had! There have been some bad ones as well, such as banana flavor.
:) Emily!! Yeah, I've been thinking about getting a digital camera of my own. Yep, we have a SA group, but that's all the stake SA members. Hmmmm, I kinda doubt the guys will get their butts in gear...