
バースデー Birthday

誕生日ケーキ☆ With my birthday cakes :)

今日はわたしの誕生日でした☆ 朝起きたら何か勝手に両親が王将に行くことを決めていて、ありえなーい!って思ったけど、ランチに無理やり行くはめになりました。でも行ったからには中華丼と餃子とエビチリをおいしく食べてきました。となりのテーブルに座った4人組の男の人たちが、餃子30人前頼んでびっくりした~(@_@)

It was my birthday today! I was not going to go anywhere today, but my parents had decided to go to Osho, a Chinese food chain restaurant that is famous for Gyoza, and made me go with them for lunch. I couldn't believe I was going to go there for my birthday, but I enjoyed the food I ordered. Four guys who sat next to our table ordered Gyoza for 30 People!!! I was so surprised and thought I misheard their order.
In the evening, I had some yummy cakes with my family. I'm so full now! I'm going to be on a diet. Starting tomorrow.

3 件のコメント:

mikeeks さんのコメント...

kiyopi thank you~~~! love ya!
Piki :)

Beau Sorensen さんのコメント...

Happy birthday! Hope it was a good one. You were in the church news on Sunday about Elder Oaks' visit to Japan. Congrats!

mikeeks さんのコメント...

Thank you Beau! I knew I was in the church news (both internet version and paper). You know why I was on it? Some of my frieds' comments were way better than mine, but theirs were too long. :)
How's everything for you? Hope all is well.