
最近のようす Updates



It's been over 2 weeks since I updeted my blog. I was just being lazy, ha ha. There is nothing big happened during those 2 weeks, but I'll tell you a little bit about what's been going on.

There is a Japanese family living in the same apartment complex, and the wife and the daughter went back to Japan for a while this summer. She brought me back some Japanese stuff for me, and somehow there were some rice crispy treats among those souvenirs. Hmmm, interesting.

ブログ怠けてる間に餃子も作りました♪ 結婚してから餃子作るのこれで多分3回目くらいだと思うけれど,今回のはこれまででいちばん焼きがよかった!味はイマイチ。肉が多めだったから。6月にポートランドに行ったときに買ってきたお茶碗(青とピンクのやつ)を初めて使いました☆ やっぱりお茶碗いい!
While I was procrastinating about updating my blog, I cooked gyoza (pot stickers) for dinner. I think it was like the third time I cooked since I got married, but I think this looked the best - yeah, just looks, not the taste. I think I put too much meat. Can you see the rice bawls (blue and pink) in the pic? We got these in Portland in June, and used them for the first time. I love them. They are so cute!


Food topic again, but this is what we had for dinner not long ago. The pasta has just some garlic and parsley, and chicken saute with prosciutto. It's hard to tell, but this is a small amount of food (to me). Now I'm already 34 weeks pregnant and I can hardly eat at once! But then I usually eat second dinner a couple hours later. lol

これは数日前に編み終わった赤ちゃん用のブランケット♪ 自分の赤ちゃんのためじゃなくて,同じころに赤ちゃんが生まれる友達の赤ちゃんのため。その友達わたしのブログを時々見るみたいけれど,これを見る前に先に荷物が届きますように。彼女の赤ちゃんのために何か作っていることは教えたけれど何を作っているかは教えてなかったから。。。

I finished crocheting this baby blanket the other day. Not for my baby but for my friend's baby who is supposed to be born about the same time as mine. I told my friend that I was going to send something for her baby, but didn't tell her what I was making, so hopefully she doesn't look at my blog before she gets the blanket in mail.


What do you think these little babies are? They are squirrels babies, one week to three weeks old ones. Last night, Brian and I visited the family of the person who introduced us to each other. We went over there for dinner and they showed us these baby squirrels. They don't look like squirrels at all, but if you take a close look at their tails, they got some hair and you can kind of tell they are squirrels. lol


Well, that's about it. Hope I'll keep updating my blog often...We'll see.


32 Weeks Pregnant Today! 今日で妊娠32週!

今日で妊娠32週になりました!今日は産婦人科の検診があってエコーやりました。赤ちゃんは少し小さ目っぽいけれど順調に育っている様子。約1588グラムにまで成長していました♪ 3Dで赤ちゃんの顔を見ることができて感動。わたしはブライアンに似てて日本人っぽくない顔つきだと思ったけれど,ブライアンのお母さんは日本人っぽいって言ってた。実際どっちに似た子が産まれてくるんだろう。あと7週☆

I'm 32 weeks pregnant today! I had a doctor's appointment today and had an ultrasound. The baby seems a little small but is growing without any problems. He weighs 3 lbs 8 oz now. It was awesome to see 3D pictures of him. I thought he looked like Brian and didn't look like Japanese at all, but Brian's mom thought he looked like Japanese. I wonder which one of us is right. We will find out in 7 weeks!


オリンピック Olympic Games


The London Olympic Games started last week! Brian and I watched the opening ceremony. These are the pictures of the Japan and US teams (sorry, it's kind of blurry). We have been watching some games on TV this past couple nights though most of them mainly show the US team only. Bur it's so exciting to see the top athletes from all over the world and see them do so well. The US team has got many Gold medals which isn't surprising. I'm glad that Japan has got a good number of medals as well.