32 Weeks Pregnant Today! 今日で妊娠32週!
今日で妊娠32週になりました!今日は産婦人科の検診があってエコーやりました。赤ちゃんは少し小さ目っぽいけれど順調に育っている様子。約1588グラムにまで成長していました♪ 3Dで赤ちゃんの顔を見ることができて感動。わたしはブライアンに似てて日本人っぽくない顔つきだと思ったけれど,ブライアンのお母さんは日本人っぽいって言ってた。実際どっちに似た子が産まれてくるんだろう。あと7週☆
I'm 32 weeks pregnant today! I had a doctor's appointment today and had an ultrasound. The baby seems a little small but is growing without any problems. He weighs 3 lbs 8 oz now. It was awesome to see 3D pictures of him. I thought he looked like Brian and didn't look like Japanese at all, but Brian's mom thought he looked like Japanese. I wonder which one of us is right. We will find out in 7 weeks!
2 件のコメント:
I'm excited to see who will have their baby first! Maybe I will beat you if this little guy decides to come early! :)
Yeah, I'm excited to! We might have our babies on the same day!! That would be so fun!