
ウィリアムと散歩 A Walk With William


This was about ten days ago. William and I went for a walk just outside our home. It was his first time to walk outside. He did a great job!

キャラメル入りチョコクッキー Caramel Filled Chocolate Cookies


I got this recipe from my good friend when I got married, and had been wanting to bake some. Finally! The recipe calls for Rolo and it took me a while to put each one of them into the cookie dough and make balls, but it was yummy. :)


ウィリアムが歩いた! William Walked!!!


A year ago today, William came home from NICU, and today he walked!! I was moved!! (Sorry the video is sideways.)


親子丼 Oyako Don


This was a dinner from last Saturday. It makes me happy to have Japanese food sometimes. 


1キロ背負いました! Carried 1kg in His Backpack!!


Since William turned one, we made him carry 1kg of things (it's supposed to be rice cake). It's a Japanese tradition to make baby boys carry 1.5kg of rice cake (William only carried1kg) so that they will stay in the parents house longer (does it make sense?). I guess 1kg was heavy for William. He did not like it. :(

夏野菜のパスタ Summer Vegetable Pasta


We have so many vegetables that are given to us, so I cooked pasta with summer squash and tomatoes for dinner. I love this pasta. We still have so many summer squash, so I probably cook Thai curry next week. We had so many tomatoes as well, but I used most of them today and made some tomato sauce and froze it.


中華風炒め物 Chinese Stir-fry


My in-laws gave us bell peppers, so I used them to cook Chinese stir-fry for dinner. It was yummy. During the summer we get all sorts of veges from many people which I am so grateful for. 

ウィリアム1歳になりました! William Turned A Year Old!!


William turned one on August 29th. The year went by so fast! He has been growing so well and totally healthy which I think is a blessing. He is getting into everything now and it's hard to take care of him sometimes, but I just wish he will continue to be happy and healthy.