
ダリン一か月 Dallin A Month Old

This bundle of joy is a month old today. He has grown so much since his birth. He weighed 5 lb 14 oz at his birth, but now weighs 9 lbs! We have been tired and don’t even know when the beginning of the day is anymore, but we love him and are thankful that he is part of our family.



日本からの荷物 A Package From Japan

We received a package from my parents in Japan. We appreciate them for always sending us Japanese stuff.

特に本はポートランドとかに行かないと手に入らないから,ウィリアムに送ってくれる本,とてもありがたいです。Especially books are hard to get here, and normally have to go to Portland to get them, so I appreciate my parents for sending William books.


父の日 Father's Day








2週間検診 Two-Week Check Up

Dallin had his two-week check up appointment. It was his first appointment in Idaho. He had no problems and is pretty healthy.

Dallin eats so well. In fact, he weight only 5 lb 14 oz at his birth, but at his first follow-up appointment after on his 6th day, he weighed 6 lb 2 oz, and this time, he weighed over 7 lb already! I told the doctor how much milk he was taking, and the doctor told me to cut down the amount. Dallin is already put on a diet, ha ha.

Unfortunately, the amount the doctor suggested (2.5 oz) is not enough and doesn't satisfy Dallin. He wants more milk, whines, and doesn't sleep, so we are totally ignoring what the doctor said and giving Dallin whatever amount he wants to take. It's normally 3 oz or a little bit more.

The formula we just bought last week is almost gone. We are going broke buying all the formulas, but glad he is healthy and growing well. He is getting chunky. 


法廷尋問 Court Hearing

It's been a week since Dallin was born. A week went by fast!

This afternoon, we attended the court hearing for the adoption in downtown Salt Lake. It was my first time going to the courthouse for the hearing. I was nervous. Good thing we weren't there for the bad reasons.

The hearing went well and it was done in like 10 minutes. We now just have to wait for the adoption to be finalized which will take another 6 months. But, the good news is, we heard from the law firm we have been working with yesterday, and they told us we are free to go after today's hearing, so we get to go back to Idaho tomorrow, yay!


ダリン Dallin


So, we just adopted a baby boy! His first name is Dallin, and the middle names have not been decided. As he was discharged from the hospital, we took him home with us. Well, we are down here in Utah right now- that's where Dallin was born, and we are stuck here until we can be approved to take the baby out of the state. Hope everything goes smoothly.