Relief Society sisters (Christina in yellow)
今日は扶助協会の家庭・家族・個人を豊かにする集会がありました。フィリピン人のクリスティーナ姉妹がフィリピンのパスタ(パンスィット マラボン)を教えてくれました。わたしの大嫌いな豆腐がたくさん入っていたけれど、カルボナーラみたいで何にも豆腐のにおいも味もせず、とてもおいしかった!
There was a Home, Family, and Personal Enrichment meeting at church today. Christina, one of the sisters from the Philippines taught us how to make the Philippine noodle called Pancit Malabon. In the noodle, there was a ton of Tofu which I HATE, but I couldn't smell or taste of it at all, and it was actually soooo yummy!
2 件のコメント:
haha, do you remember that you had to eat for me?! hahaah thanks mikiko!!!
I was fine, but I felt bad for you. You came all the way from Gotemba and could hardly eat anything!