今日はハローウィンです♪ といってもかぼちゃも彫ってないし,ハローウィンのデコレーションも特にしてないし,キャンディーもなし,と言いたいところだけれどキャンディーは少しだけ自分のために買ったんだな(笑) あとはウィリー君にたまたま出産祝いでいただいていたハローウィンの洋服を着せただけ。
そのウィリー君は29日で早いもので2か月になりました!今週2か月検診があるのでどのくらい大きくなっているか楽しみです☆ 数日前にアパートにある体重計で測ってみたところ,だいたい3600グラムちょいぐらいかな。生まれたときの倍ほど。すくすく元気に育ってくれていてうれしいです(^v^)
It's Halloween today, but we haven't done anything really - no pumpkin carving, no decorating our apartment, no candies - well, I got some for myself. lol Other than that, I just put William a pumpkin outfit that was given when he was born.
William turned 2 months old on the 29th. He has a 2 months check up in a couple of days, so I'm excited to find out how big he has grown. We weighed him the other day on the scale we have in our apartment and think he weighs a little over 8 lbs now, twice as much as when he was born. We are happy that he has been growing so well. :)
Before William was born, one of my friends sent me some onesies with ties sewed on. William tried one of them the day before for the first time. Doesn't he look great in it? :)
10日はわたしの誕生日でした。今年は子供も授かって特別な誕生日でした。昼間は一日育児に追われて忙しく過ごし,夜はブライアンとささやかな誕生日会をしました。わたしはスポンジケーキがあまり好きじゃないので,ブライアンがDairy Queenでアイスクリームケーキを買ってきてくれました♪どのくらいの値段か分からないけれど,とても大きくて食べ終えるのに何日もかかりそうです。一緒にバースデーソングを歌ってケーキを食べて,プレゼントにはセイコーのソーラー時計をもらいました。何よりもうれしかったのはすばらしいメッセージの書かれたバースデーカードで,最近は育児で大変だったりしてとても疲れていたこともあってほんとうにそのメッセージありがたかったです。ブライアンありがとう!
It was my birthday on the 10th and was a special birthday for me this year with the baby. I had a busy day during the day taking care of the baby, and in the evening Brian and I had a little birthday party. Brian bought me an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen because I don't really like regular cake. I don't know how much it cost, but it was huge and will take for a while to finish eating it all. We sang a birthday song, had the cake, and Brian gave me a SEIKO solar watch. What made me happy the most was the birthday card which had a beautiful message. I have been really tired lately taking care of the baby all day, so the message was really appreciated. Thank you Brian!
10月3日は当初出産予定日でした。が!とっくにウィリアムを出産してお腹もすっきりしてきました♪ そこでパジャマ姿だけど記念写真をパシャリ。
October 3rd...It was my due date, but I had William long time ago and my belly feels a lot lighter!
And this is William today.