We had Lamb Tagine with couscous for dinner the other day. It was sooo much work and I felt like I never want to cook it again! But it turned out pretty yummy, so it was definitely worth the effort. I actually had to cook it in another pan because our tagine was too small for the amount I was cooking (I could barely cook 3 onions in it). I put the food in tagine just for the picture. :)
子羊のタジン鍋料理 Lamb Tagine
とんこつラーメンもどき Fake Tonkotsu Ramen
先日久しぶりにアジアンマーケットに行って,とんこつラーメンを買いました!(もちろんほかにも買ったけど。) でもチャーシューも豚肉もなかったので,邪道ですが牛ひき肉を乗せて食べました。やっぱラーメンおいしい!
I went to an Asian market last weekend. It had been a long time since I went last. I bought Tonkotsu ramen (the broth is pork bone-based) along with other stuff. Usually you put slices of pork on top, but since I didn't have any pork I used ground beef instead. I guess I can't call it real Tonkotsu ramen, but it was still yummy. :)
バレンタインデー Valentine's Day
ブライアンからのバラ Roses from Brian
LIndtチョコレートとカード Lindt Chocolate and a card
箱の中。おいしい~! Inside the box. Yum yum!!
Brian gave me beautiful roses, Lindt chocolate, and a card for Valentine's Day. The card was the best. The message made me cry! I gave him some cookies, chocolate, and a card. I'm very happy that I can feel real happiness in my life.
3Dパズル完成! 3D Puzzle Completed!!
We finally finished this 3D puzzle a little over a week ago at Family Home Evening. It took us (well, Brian did most of it) a long time to build it. William tried to help us but got hungry soon after we started the activity, and after he was done with milk, he was completely out. lol
I do not wish to take this puzzle apart and do it again ever!
マリービスケット Marie Biscuit
日本のパッケージ Japanese package
ポルトガルのパッケージ Portuguese package
アパートの近くにあるCost Plus (World Market)というお店でなんと日本のマリービスケットを見つけました!見つけたときはマリービスケットに似てるって思って買ってきて,家に帰ってきて見たらほんとにマリービスケット。でもなぜかポルトガルで作られている。それで輸入者ってところが日本になっている。それでアメリカで販売されているってことはどうなっているんだ?マリービスケットはもともとポルトガルのもの?どちらにしてもマリービスケットおいしい~♪
I found Marie Biscuit (Japanese biscuit) at World Market near my apartment! When I found it, I thought it looked similar to the Japanese one, but it really was Marie Biscuit. But somehow, it is made in Portugal, and it said on the package that the importer was Japan, but is sold in the US. I was confused. Is it originated from Portugal? Anyhow, I love Marie Biscuit.
節分 Setsubun
It was Setsubun on the 3rd. It is a traditional Japanese event where you throw beans to drive away the evil spirits and to bring luck in the home. I didn't throw beans, but thought it would be boring if I didn't do anything, so I made a demon mask and had fun putting it on William's face. :D
足技 Foot Technique
He has learned how to turn himself around on the floor using his feet. His bad foot manner has come in handy. :)
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