
ブライアンの誕生日 Brian's Birthday

昨日23日はブライアンの誕生日でした♪ 月曜日でブライアンは仕事だったので,21日の土曜日からお祝いを始めました。まず,Tukano'sというブラジル料理のお店に行って食べ,お店の人にも祝ってもらいました♪ ほかにも4人くらい誕生日のお客さんがいました。

Yesterday was Brian's birthday. Since it was Monday and he had to work, we started celebrate his birthday from last Saturday. We began celebrating by going to Tucano's, a Brazilian restaurant for lunch. The people who worked there came to our table to sing a birthday song for him. There were 4 more people at the restaurant who was there for their birthdays.

Whip cream got really soft because it was hot.
And the candle (3) fell right after I took this picture.

それから日曜日にはブライアンの実家で家族で集まって,夕飯の後に誕生会をしました。わたしが初めて作ったチョコレートケーキやアイスクリームを食べて,それからプレゼントをオープン☆ ブライアンはポロシャツや本などもらってうれしそうでした。わたしからはカシオのパスファインダーという時計をプレゼント。超分厚い説明書を最初から最後まで読むつもりのようです。ブライアンらしい。。。

On Sunday, we got together at Brian's parents and had a birthday party after the dinner. We had a birthday cake which I made for the first time in my life, and some ice cream. Then Brian opened presents. He got some polo shirts and books, etc. I gave him a Casio watch called Pathfinder. It's got a very thick instruction and Brian is planning on reading it all. So Brian.

そして昨日の誕生日には,朝たまたま早く目が覚めて,ブライアンが起きる前にドアにちょっとだけど飾り付け。「誕生日おめでとう」の中国語を折り紙から切り抜くのが大変だった~!でも喜んでくれてよかった☆ 夜はOlive Gardenというイタリアンのお店に行って誕生日ディナーしました。3日にわたる誕生日のお祝い,良く食べて満足~(^v^)

And yesterday, I happened to wake up early and decided to decorate our front door before Brian got up. It was hard to cut the chinese characters out of origami paper, but Brian liked it so I was happy about that. In the evening, we went to Olive Garden for dinner. We had lots of food this past three days and were so satisfied. :)

ロビー Robbie


Brian's brother and his wife finally had their baby last Saturday, the 21st. They finally named him today and it's Robert Isaac O'Bannon. He was 8 lbs. 20.5 in. A lot bigger than Edison. Now we only have one more baby (ours) to come out. 9 more weeks!

日曜日にはエジソン君に初めて会いました♪ 実際会ってみるとやっぱり超小さくて,抱っこしたら壊れちゃうんじゃないかと思うくらい。とてもかわいかった~。

On Sunday, I got to meet Edison for the first time. He was really tiny and looked so fragile that I was scared to hold him. He was super cute!


エジソン Edison

Edison, one day old

Cori and her husband Micah with Edison

They are headed home today.
He's so small in the car seat. So precious!


Brian's sister, Cori had her baby boy yesterday! He weighed 5 lbs 10 oz, and 18 inches long. His name is Edison Stephen Strasser. Brian's brother's wife is also having her baby boy in a few days. I'm so excited!!

超かわいいベビー服 Super Cute Baby Clothes

わたしのBYU時代の友達で同じころに子供が生まれる予定の友達が,少し前に送ってくれたベビー服♪ 普通のプレーンなベビー服にネクタイの形の布を縫ってあるんです。すごいかわいいでしょ~。絶対これ着せて教会に行くんだ☆

One of my friend from BYU who is also having her baby boy about the same time as I am sent me these baby clothes the other week. She bought plain baby clothes and sewed a tie shaped fabric onto each one. Aren't they super cute?! My baby will definitely be wearing them to church!


28週 28 Weeks

スイカと一緒に With a watermelon

今日で妊娠28週になりました!ちょうど産婦人科の検診があって,1か月前には600グラムなかったのに,今日は1077.3グラムにまで大きくなっていました☆ どうりでお腹が重たいわけだ~。今のところ母子ともに健康ですべて順調,うれしいかぎりです。あと11週ほど頑張ります。

I'm 28 weeks pregnant today! I just had a doctor's appointment this afternoon. My baby only weighed 1 pound and 5 ounces a month ago, but today he weighed 2 pounds and 6 ounces. He's growing! No wonder I feel so heavy lately! Both the baby and I are doing well. I'm really happy about it. I will hang in there for the rest of my pregnancy (only 11 weeks left!).


紙相撲 Paper Sumo Wrestling

左がブライアン,右がわたし  Left: Brian, Right: Me

I lost again!!

昨日の家庭の夕べで紙相撲をしました♪ ずーっとやりたいと思っていたけれど,ブライアンの反応が心配で(ばかにされると思って)やる勇気がありませんでした。でも友達のブログに家庭の夕べで紙相撲やったって書いてあって,わたしもやりたーい!ってことで無理やり実行。はっけよぉ~い,ノコッタノコッタァ~ノコッタノコッタァ~。コテン,ブライアン関の勝ち~!5回戦でブライアンが3度勝ったのでわたしの負け決定。しゅんっ。でもあまりのくだらなさにブライアンも楽しんでくれたようでよかった。

For the FHE activity last night, we did paper sumo wrestling. I had been wanting to do it, but was just worried how Brian would think of the activity (I thought he would think it's just so stupid to play), and didn't have courage to make it as a FHE activity for a long time. But one of my Japanese friends posted on her blog yesterday that she and her husband played it for FHE, so that really made me want to play it. I'm sure Brian thought it was so stupid to play, but he seemed like he had fun. :) Oh, and Brian won.


したきりすずめ Tongue Cut Sparrow


I'm in charge of Sharing Time for Primary this month. Yesterday I was supposed to teach about kindness. In the lesson, I introduced a Japanese tale called "Tongue Cut Sparrow". I needed some pictures since I was teaching kids, so I searched online and found some pictures, but most of them were not cute. So, I kind of copied them but drew them cuter. They turned out pretty good, but I wish I had a talent to draw a picture without looking at anything.

猛暑日 Extremely Hot Days

 My Fire-Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad

Brian's Mango Chipotle Chicken Salad


It has been really hot lately. It isn't humid like Japan, but it gets over 100 degrees, so I just close all the windows during the day and either turn on a fan or a/c. I don't feel like cooking and eating hot meal when it's hot, so I have been having a hard time coming up with the dinner menus. We usually eat out at a restaurant or take food home from a fast food place and eat at home on Fridays, but it was so hot last Friday that we just ordered salads from a Mexican fast food place. It was over 100 degrees today as well, so we had Somen for dinner tonight. I love having cold noodles in summer.


独立記念日 Independence Day

We have blue stripe shirts on for Independence Day.


Today (7/4) is Independence day here in the U.S. Brian's family has been out of town (They are in Colorado), so Brian and I spent a day by ourselves. We cooked hamburgers for dinner and ate at our balcony.
In the U.S., we can only see fireworks on 4th of July and New Year's eve. There should be fireworks tonight, but it won't start until 10pm ish because it doesn't get dark until then. I have to wait for a little while.


By the way, I'm 27 weeks pregnant today! I took a picture of myself but I think I look the same as when I was 22 weeks. My tummy feels a lot heavier though. It's a lot harder to move too! I have 12 more weeks to go. Just have to hang in there!