昨日23日はブライアンの誕生日でした♪ 月曜日でブライアンは仕事だったので,21日の土曜日からお祝いを始めました。まず,Tukano'sというブラジル料理のお店に行って食べ,お店の人にも祝ってもらいました♪ ほかにも4人くらい誕生日のお客さんがいました。
Yesterday was Brian's birthday. Since it was Monday and he had to work, we started celebrate his birthday from last Saturday. We began celebrating by going to Tucano's, a Brazilian restaurant for lunch. The people who worked there came to our table to sing a birthday song for him. There were 4 more people at the restaurant who was there for their birthdays.
Whip cream got really soft because it was hot.
And the candle (3) fell right after I took this picture.
それから日曜日にはブライアンの実家で家族で集まって,夕飯の後に誕生会をしました。わたしが初めて作ったチョコレートケーキやアイスクリームを食べて,それからプレゼントをオープン☆ ブライアンはポロシャツや本などもらってうれしそうでした。わたしからはカシオのパスファインダーという時計をプレゼント。超分厚い説明書を最初から最後まで読むつもりのようです。ブライアンらしい。。。
On Sunday, we got together at Brian's parents and had a birthday party after the dinner. We had a birthday cake which I made for the first time in my life, and some ice cream. Then Brian opened presents. He got some polo shirts and books, etc. I gave him a Casio watch called Pathfinder. It's got a very thick instruction and Brian is planning on reading it all. So Brian.
そして昨日の誕生日には,朝たまたま早く目が覚めて,ブライアンが起きる前にドアにちょっとだけど飾り付け。「誕生日おめでとう」の中国語を折り紙から切り抜くのが大変だった~!でも喜んでくれてよかった☆ 夜はOlive Gardenというイタリアンのお店に行って誕生日ディナーしました。3日にわたる誕生日のお祝い,良く食べて満足~(^v^)
And yesterday, I happened to wake up early and decided to decorate our front door before Brian got up. It was hard to cut the chinese characters out of origami paper, but Brian liked it so I was happy about that. In the evening, we went to Olive Garden for dinner. We had lots of food this past three days and were so satisfied. :)