
ロビー Robbie


Brian's brother and his wife finally had their baby last Saturday, the 21st. They finally named him today and it's Robert Isaac O'Bannon. He was 8 lbs. 20.5 in. A lot bigger than Edison. Now we only have one more baby (ours) to come out. 9 more weeks!

日曜日にはエジソン君に初めて会いました♪ 実際会ってみるとやっぱり超小さくて,抱っこしたら壊れちゃうんじゃないかと思うくらい。とてもかわいかった~。

On Sunday, I got to meet Edison for the first time. He was really tiny and looked so fragile that I was scared to hold him. He was super cute!

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