
鶏肉の揚げ蒸し Deep-fried and Steamed Chicken


We had Toshikoshi Soba (year-crossing noodles) and deep-fried and steamed chicken for dinner for New Year's Eve. I got the chicken recipe from one of the brothers in my home stake who is famous for this. The one I cooked was yummy but I don't know if it was how it was supposed to taste since I have never had the brother's chicken...

手作りカイロ Handmade Warmers


My visiting teaching companion gave me these cute handmade warmers. You heat them up in the microwave and use them. They got smell of lavender (I don't like the smell, tell you the truth, ha ha) and are helpful in this cold winter.


クリスマス Christmas


We had a very good Christmas day, but it was a long day! We started out the day with having some cinnamon rolls for breakfast, and then opened the gifts from Santa and from each other. In the afternoon, we headed to Brian's parents' for opening gifts round 2. We received so many gifts again this year. After that we all went to Brian's sister's house for dinner and I contributed a Christmas tree salad and Ninjabread men cookies. :)

クリスマスイブの夕食 Christmas Eve Dinner


Brian cooked beef stew for Christmas Eve dinner. It was very tasty. I baked rolls and they turned out well too. I also baked some "Ninja"bread men cookies for Santa again this year. :)


メリークリスマス♪ Merry Christmas!!


A bit early, but Merry Christmas to you all!!!

ブライアンのクリスマスストッキング Christmas Stocking for Brian


I didn't think I could make it in time for Christmas this year, but I did it! We now have all three stockings to hang, yay!


一眼レフ SLR Camera



I bought a digital SLR camera not long ago. I was so tired of my little digital camera that wasn't taking good pictures.

Yesterday we went out to a park with the new camera to take pictures of us for the Christmas card. It turned out pretty well and I am very glad that I bought the camera. This picture I posted is the one I took before we went to the park to see how the new camera worked.

サンクスギビング Thanksgiving



This last Thursday was Thanksgiving. We gathered together with my brother-in-law's family at a church building. Everyone brought food they were assigned to bring and there was a lot of food. They were all yummy!

I baked a pumpkin pie for the first time for my family to eat. I bought the crust since it never comes out right when I make a pie, but I made the filling part and it turned out really well. The pie was so yummy!


フォー Pho


We had Pho for dinner last night and tonight (I thought Pho was Thai food, but was Vietnamese food). Brian cooked it for us. It was very tasty. I love Asian food like this!


ウィリアムの手形取り2回目 Getting William's Hand Print Again


We tried to get William's hand print again tonight for the Family Home Evening activity. It doesn't look that great but turned out a lot better than the last time, so I have nothing to complain about.

ウィリアムの散髪 Gave William a Haircut


I cut William's hair two days ago. His hair was getting out of control, so I'm glad he looks better now. 


元気いっぱいのウィリアム William with Full Energy


It's really cold already, but William has so much energy. He ran toward a pot to play with the dirt inside. 


2年目の結婚記念日 2nd Anniversary





November 11 was our 2nd anniversary. Time went by fast!. Both Brian and William were kind of sick, so we just celebrated our anniversary at home with red Thai curry and banana cream pie. As you can see in the pictures, the pie was a failure. The cream didn't set right. 

Brian gave me a sweater as a gift. I made the pie, and also lunch for him (I don't usually make it). 

November 11th is a special day because it's also my parents' anniversary and William's blessing day.

I hope we can spend great time together for a long time.


Trunk or Treat

すっかり投稿するのを忘れていましたが,ハローウィンの日の夜に教会でTrunk or Treatがありました。普通は近所の家々を子供たちが回って歩き,Trick or Treatと言ってチョコレート菓子などをもらうのですが,教会では車のトランクを飾り付けしてお菓子を準備し,そこへコスチュームを着た子供たちがやってきてお菓子をくばるわけです。

ウィリアムも初のTrunk or Treatに参加しました(実はブライアンもわたしも初めて)。今年はウィリアム,スタートレックのスポックになりました。

I totally forgot to post this, but we went to Trunk or Treat on Halloween night. It was the first time for William (In fact, it was the first Trunk or Treat for me and Brian as well).

William became Spock from Star Trek. :)


ウィリアムのブランケット A Blanket for William


I wanted to make this blanket before William was born. Well, he's already 14 months old, but I finally finished!!

トウモロコシ畑の迷路とかぼちゃ畑 Corn Maze & Pumpkin Patch


I went to a corn maze and pumpkin patch with my family yesterday for the first time in my life. It was such a beautiful day. I would like to go again next year!


汚い!! What a Mess!!


William at dinner tonight. He made such a mess with the spaghetti.

かぼちゃの種 Pumpkin Seeds


We baked the seeds from the pumpkin we carved the other night. It doesn't look appealing, but it's good, tastes like popcorn.


ジャコランタン Jack-O'-Lantern


We carved a pumpkin last night for the Family Home Evening activity. We didn't do it last year because I had just had William and didn't have the energy. We bought a kit to easily carve pumpkins, so it was a lot easier than I thought. Well, Brian was the one who carved the whole thing though. All I did was to take the inside stuff out of the pumpkin. Anyway, I'm glad it turned out well.


カップケーキ(ハロウィーン使用) Halloween Cupcakes

もう先週のことだけれど,Activity Days(プライマリーの女の子たちのためのプログラム)のためにカップケーキを作りました。ハローウィンも近いのでクモを飾り付けて♪

I made cupcakes for the Activity Days last week. Since Halloween is coming, I put some spider decoration on them.

クリスマスストッキング Christmas Stocking


It took me a year, but I finally finished William's Christmas stocking! I chose a relatively easy pattern, but it was still hard and took me forever! I'm glad it turned out cute. I'm planning on making another one for Brian for the next Christmas. :)


秋 Fall


It's fall. The picture is of the tree in front of my house. So pretty. Trees in town are all changing the colors and so pretty. It's got so cold though. It seems like already winter.

誕生日 Birthdays


自分の誕生日には家でも祝ってもらって,ブライアンからはベーキングのレシピ本,ウィリアムからはStar Trekのマグカップをもらいました。(^v^)わたしはスポンジケーキが好きじゃないので,ブライアンがレモンチーズケーキパイを買ってきてくれました。おいしかった~♪


It was my birthday on the 10th. My mother-in-law's was on the 6th. So, we had a birthday party two weeks in a row. 

On my birthday, Brian bought me a baking cookbook, and William gave me (supposed to be from him) a Star Trek mug. And Brian bought me a lemon cheesecake pie because I don't like normal sponge cake. The pie was yummy.

On the weekend, we went to Tucanos for lunch to celebrate my birthday. The restaurant staff came to wish me a happy birthday too. :)


ウィリアムと散歩 A Walk With William


This was about ten days ago. William and I went for a walk just outside our home. It was his first time to walk outside. He did a great job!

キャラメル入りチョコクッキー Caramel Filled Chocolate Cookies


I got this recipe from my good friend when I got married, and had been wanting to bake some. Finally! The recipe calls for Rolo and it took me a while to put each one of them into the cookie dough and make balls, but it was yummy. :)


ウィリアムが歩いた! William Walked!!!


A year ago today, William came home from NICU, and today he walked!! I was moved!! (Sorry the video is sideways.)


親子丼 Oyako Don


This was a dinner from last Saturday. It makes me happy to have Japanese food sometimes. 


1キロ背負いました! Carried 1kg in His Backpack!!


Since William turned one, we made him carry 1kg of things (it's supposed to be rice cake). It's a Japanese tradition to make baby boys carry 1.5kg of rice cake (William only carried1kg) so that they will stay in the parents house longer (does it make sense?). I guess 1kg was heavy for William. He did not like it. :(

夏野菜のパスタ Summer Vegetable Pasta


We have so many vegetables that are given to us, so I cooked pasta with summer squash and tomatoes for dinner. I love this pasta. We still have so many summer squash, so I probably cook Thai curry next week. We had so many tomatoes as well, but I used most of them today and made some tomato sauce and froze it.


中華風炒め物 Chinese Stir-fry


My in-laws gave us bell peppers, so I used them to cook Chinese stir-fry for dinner. It was yummy. During the summer we get all sorts of veges from many people which I am so grateful for. 

ウィリアム1歳になりました! William Turned A Year Old!!


William turned one on August 29th. The year went by so fast! He has been growing so well and totally healthy which I think is a blessing. He is getting into everything now and it's hard to take care of him sometimes, but I just wish he will continue to be happy and healthy.