Rice Cereal and Oatmeal Ceral
食前食後 (^v^)
Before and After lol
William had his 4 months check up on the 9th. He weighed 12 lb 6 oz and was 23.25 inches long (I measured him the other day and he was actually longer). He is a big baby now! He is very healthy and is on the growth chart of normal babies (he used to be so small that he was out of the chart).
The doctor told me that William could start eating real food (for now rice cereal). I know babies normally start eating when they are 6 months old, but hey the doctor said it's OK, so why not. In the US, it looks like the babies who are not growing well are fed rice cereal along with milk.
So, I tried to feed William some rice cereal yesterday morning, and as you can tell, he did not like it. lol
4 件のコメント:
Rice cereal is nasty, I can understand him. :) I always wait with my kids until six months, if possible. He will probably get used to it. We have a funny video of Mark eating carrots for the first time, every time we gave it to him his eyes would twitch and he would make funny faces. :D
ウィリアムくん、かわいいですね。私も4ヶ月くらいで離乳食をあげてもいいと言われました。が、日本だとだいたい5ヶ月というので、ふうきは5ヵ月半くらいで、さえは6ヶ月に入ってから離乳食をスタートしましたよ。さえのときはめんどくさかったというのもあって6ヶ月になったんですけどね(笑) かわいそうな2人目。。
ところで 12lb6ozって1613グラムではないと思うのですが。。。
Katja - I hear many babies hate carrots. I would! I think William is constipated, so I will stop feeding rice cereal for a while and just give him milk after all. He came out early and is still small, so he should probably wait a little longer.
あよちゃん- 1651!あらいつの間に5000が1000に!気が付かなかった。直しました,ありがとう!1651じゃあ生まれたときの大きさになっちゃう。なんかウィリアム便秘っぽくてライスシリアルうまく消化できてないみたいから,今日からまたしばらくあげないでミルクだけで様子をみることに決めたよ。やっぱ4か月からいいとは言ってもやっぱり早いよねえ。次に食べさせるときには10倍粥作ってあげると思う。