
スペイン語レッスン Spanish Lesson

1か月くらい前から,同じ教会に集うメキシコ人の姉妹に週に一度スペイン語を教えてもらっています。今年はスペイン語か中国語のどちらを学びたいかすごく迷った末に中国語を勉強すると決めてロゼッタストーンも買ったのに,買ってしばらくしたらやる気がなくなって,というかやっぱりスペイン語がやりたくなって,勉強しています。いろんな表現を学んだり,単語を覚えたりするのは楽しいけれど,難しいと感じるときも多々あります。動詞などの活用が全然自然に出てこないし,英語や日本語と違って名詞を修飾する形容詞が前にこないで後ろに来たり(例:白い猫〔日本語〕=white cat〔英語〕=gato blanco〔スペイン語:ネコ,白いの順〕),同じ子供でも,男の子(単数)ならel niño〔エル・ニーニョ〕,女の子ならla niña〔ラ・ニーニャ〕,複数ならlos niños,las niñas,男の子と女の子が混じっていたらLos niñosになります。面倒くさいですよね!慣れてくると簡単に思えてきますけれど最初は戸惑います。まだまだ頭が混乱しそうなことは山ほどありますが,ここでやめておきます。次の週までの宿題は,数を数える練習(1から100万まで,苦笑),色,体の部位など。脳みそ破裂寸前です。。。

I started taking Spanish lessons about a month ago from a Mexican Sister in the same ward. At the beginning of this year, I decided to study Mandarin Chinese after much debate on whether to learn Chinese or Spanish. I bought Rosetta Stone and started studying Mandarin Chinese, but not too long after that, I got bored, or rather I wanted to study Spanish more. So I kinda switched and have been studying Spanish with the Sister, and also with duolingo. There are so many things about Spanish that are hard to understand, but it's fun to learn new vocabulary and phrases. It's hard for me to remember which words are feminine or muscular (I have a hard time with irregular ones) and change article (el, la, los, las). And sometimes grammar is different from English which makes me very confused. I have a lot to learn. This week's homework is to count numbers (1 to million), color, parts of body, etc. I feel like my brain will explode!


This is dinner from last night, and we had mabo tofu tonight.


This is from last night as well. William is keeping daddy warm by putting all his blankets on him. Being a daddy is one tough job - work outside home all day and play with the kid after working all day. 

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