Today and tomorrow, General Conference of the LDS church are held in Salt Lake. We can watch the sessions on TV at home. So nice. William never takes his nap, but today he did during the morning sessions. The conference must be so long and boring to a three-year-old. During the afternoon session, we had the opportunity to sustain three new twelve apostles who were called to replace the former ones who had passed since the last conference. They are Elders Ronald A. Rasband, Gary E. Stevenson, Dale G. Renlund. Elder Stevenson was the former Asia North area president. He served his mission in Japan when he was young, and served as a Nagoya mission president several years ago as well. I saw him many times during the time I was working at the church office in Tokyo. He is going to be a great apostle!
夜ブライアンが総大会の神権会(男性の部会)に出席している間,ウィリアムとお留守番。ウィリアムが先日から食べたがっていた動物のクッキーを作って食べました(^v^) クッキーの写真を載せようとしたら保存されてなかったようで,今朝朝ごはんに食べたホットケーキ(バナナとチョコシロップのトッピング)を代わりに(笑)
While Brian was gone for the Priesthood session of the conference, William and I stayed home. William had been asking me for animal cookies, so I baked some for him. :)
While Brian was gone for the Priesthood session of the conference, William and I stayed home. William had been asking me for animal cookies, so I baked some for him. :)
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