
学校最終日 The Last Day of School

It was the last day of school before Christmas break. It was a dress up day, so William wore the church clothes to school today. And there was a winter celebration which the parents/guardians were invited, so I went to that from 11 - 11:45. The kids performed what they had been learning in school. After the performance, the parents and the kids did some crafts and made gingerbread house or/and gingerbread ornament.

下のビデオは著書『7つの習慣』の第3の習慣「最優先事項を優先する」(Put first things first)のお遊戯と「ジンジャーブレッドマン」ソングに合わせて踊っているところです。笑 ウィリアムのYシャツが出ちゃってるのは無視してください。笑
In the following videos, they are performing the third habit from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, and dancing to a gingerbread man song. lol Never mind William's shirt handing out...

After the school was over, we went straight to pizza hut to get a free pan pizza for William. He got a free coupon thing from the teacher for reading 20 minutes each day. This free coupon was from October, and he's got November one too, so we can go again. William had a half of the pizza, and gave me the rest, yay. It was yummy. :) 


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