誕生会 Birthday Party
There are quite a few people in Brian's family who were born in February. Last night we had a combined birthday party for Cori and MeiLi (Brian's sisters) and Micah (Cori's husband). Look at the huge chocolate cake!
納豆 Natto (Fermented Soybeans)
餃子 Gyoza (Pot-Stickers)
I was craving for Gyoza (pot-stickers) last night, so I cooked some frozen one. It wasn't as good as the homemade one, but was still yummy.
ボイシ神殿 Boise Temple
Boise Temple is only 5 minutes away from my apartment, but it's been closed for remodeling since last year. The next closest temple is Twin Falls Temple which is 2 1/2 hours away. It's a smaller temple, and you have to make an appointment to attend. I hope Boise Temple will be open again soon enough. Recently the church announced building Meridian Temple which will be 15 minutes away from here, so hopefully everything will go well with the temple as well.
ハッピーバレンタインデー Happy Valentine's Day
Brian gave me beautiful roses, some chocolate, and a sweet card for Valentine's Day. That made me so happy. :)
マンドリン Mandolin
Recently Brian bought a mandolin online. He said he thought it would be interesting to learn. He plays the guitar and ukulele too. I have been practicing the guitar, but it's hard for me just to learn the chords, and I don't know how someone can learn chords for three different instruments. Brian says ukulele is much easier to learn, so I might switch to ukulele when I get really frustrated with practicing the guitar.
夢がかなった♪ My dreams came true!
I dream about food often lately. I dreamed about fried chicken three nights ago. The next night, I dreamed about french fries. Last night, I dreamed about going to an all you can eat place. So, we went to KFC and got some chicken strips and fries for dinner. I also had Calpico which I got from an asian market nearby. The dinner was very satisfying.
良い夫 Good Husband
I wasn't feeling well today, so I was lying down on the couch most of the day. In the meanwhile, Brian mopped the kitchen floor, cleaned the bathroom, and vacuumed the entire apartment. I am thankful for my good husband! By the way, today was our 3 months anniversary! :)
チリ Chili
You just have to put all the ingredients in a crockpot.
Had it on rice with some cheddar cheese on top.
We had Chili for dinner last night. I love Chili because it's so simple to cook and so tasty. You just have to put all the ingredients in a crockpot and let it cook for 4-5 hours. Last time when we had Chili, we had it with baked potatoes, but this time Brian wanted to have it on rice, and it was so yummy! I love Chili!!
ヨーグルト Yogurt
I bought some yogurt when I went grocery shopping last weekend. They were on sale - 5 for 2 dollars. No wonder they don't taste good at all! I don't usually complain about food I have, but with this yogurt, I can barely eat half of it. Well, actually half the amount is like the size of a whole Japanese size yogurt, so I guess I'm liking it all right?
In the U.S., not only yogurt but many of their food products have "Low Fat" stuff, but I hardly ever see "Low Sugar" stuff. I have heard that one of the reasons why there are so many more people who are overweight in recent years is that they tried to lose weight by taking low fat products, but they ended up gaining weight instead because those low fat products have more sugar in them to make them taste better.
子供の歌集 Children's Songbook
I was called to be the first counselor in Primay in my ward. I have been a member of the church for quite some time, but this is my first time to serve in Primay and I am very overwhelmed. There are 70 children (excluding nursery kids) and that's a lot more than we have in my home stake! I hardly know any children's songs, so my husband and I went to Deseret Book last night and bought a Children's Songbook and the CD. I will try to learn the songs and hopefully I will be able to sing along with the Primary children.
タイカレー Thai Curry
We cooked Thai Curry called Green Curry Coconut Chicken for dinner last night. It's got some green curry paste, coconut milk, sweet potatoes, squash, green beans, chicken, garnished with cilantros. It was so yummy.
ブライアンの朝ごはん Brian's Breakfast
いつもだいたいブライアンが朝ごはんを仕事に持って行って食べれるようにマフィンとかパウンドケーキの類を作ります。今週はブライアンの要望でドライチェリーとチョコレートチップのマフィンです。この組み合わせ合うの?って思ったけれど,意外においしかったです♪ 見にくいけれど,よぉ~く見ると,ペーパーカップがバレンタインのものなんです(^v^)
I usually bake some muffins and pound cakes and stuff for Brian to take them to work for breakfast. For this week, I baked dried cherry & chocolate chip muffins as Brian requested. I wondered if dried cherries and chocolate chips would be a good match, but it turned out pretty yummy. It's a little hard to see, but if you look at closely, the paper cups are for the Valentine's Day. :)
シュレッダー Shredder
We recently purchased a shredder! We thought we ordered a cross-cut one, but apparently we had ordered a straight-cut one. It said on the review that it would break soon, no worth buying type of things, but it has been working well so far.
ハワイアンヘイスタック Hawaiian Haystack
I always try to take a picture of the food I cook for dinner to post it on my blog, but I almost always forget to do so. It's my appetite's fault. I cooked Hawaiian Haystack about two weeks ago. It's one of my favorites. :)
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