I went Cyber Monday shopping yesterday and today. Yesterday (Monday), William and I went to the mall and got some Christmas presents for Brian. I also ordered some online to get more gifts for him and also a pair of sneakers for myself.
モールではいつものお約束で(なぜか)ウィリアムにSee's Candyでチョコレートを買わされました。いちばん安いサンタのチョコ一つ購入。ウィリアムはご機嫌(^^)
Every time we go to the mall, William thinks I buy him a piece of chocolate at See's Candy. I bought him the cheapest Santa chocolate and he was happy. :)
Today, I wet shopping again while William was in pre-school to get a Christmas present for a family member. I also got a pajama set for William so he could wear it to his pre-school Christmas party. Things were still on sale, so I was happy to buy them cheap, but I spent a lot of money (to me) for the last few days, so I'm not planning on spending any money (other than food) until the end of the year.
William's new jammies