
結婚5周年記念日 5th Anniversary

It was our (Brian & I) anniversary today, as well as my parents', so here is a picture of four of us. This was taken at our wedding reception in Caldwell, the day after our marriage. 

It's been only 5 years, but I was tired of getting a card for him so I just made a little card with William's construction paper, and that was the only gift to him, ha ha...
On the other hand, Brian gave me a real card, and a beautiful blue-greenish sweater, and a box of macadamia chocolate. Sorry Brian...

In the evening, we (William too) went out for dinner. We were cheap to go to a nice restaurant, so just went to a Chinese buffet, but didn't realize that we had to pay for William already, so it wasn't really a cheap dinner. They had what they called "Japanese sushi" but they looked very Americanized and didn't look so appealing (I did not eat them).

That was our anniversary, but in the morning, William had YMCA pre-school thing, and we left early to go to a birthday party of his pre-school friend. Kids were supposed to come in a super hero costume, so each kid was either superman, batman, or spiderman. William wore a superman t-shirt.

The birthday girl's mom owns a gym, so that's where we had the party. 

They first made a super hero mask.

Then kids went out to the gym to play. They were having so much fun, doing obstacle course, jumping on a trampoline, etc.

The one on the right in blue is William. lol

写真全部ぶれてますが。。。Sorry the pictures are all blurry...

After a while, they had a break and had some snacks, sang a birthday song for the birthday girl, and had a cupcake, and did presents...

Everyone except the birthday girl started eating their cupcake before b-day song. lol

and did pinata hitting.

誕生日の女の子。なかなかの強打。Birthday girl hit it pretty hard.

Wililam. With one hand, hitting it very soft...lol

 There is no picture, but all the kids were so excited when the pinata broke and candies came out. They were all so cute, trying to get as many candies as they could. :)

At the end, we took photos of super hero kids wearing a mask they made at the beginning of the party. It was a really fun party.

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