
メモリアルデー(戦没者追悼記念日) Memorial Day

I had two rice balls and a boiled egg. Brian had a sandwich, an apple, some crackers and cheese.


It was Memorial Day, and Briand had a day off. So, we decided to go picnic at a park. Each of us packed own lunch and headed to Ann Morris park nearby.


There were many people at the park playing badminton, frisbee golf, and volleyball, etc. Some were riding bikes and walking around. We walked around the park a little bit and found a big fountain and the statue of deers. The weather was perfect and it felt so good being outside.

夜はブライアンがハンバーガーを作ってくれました。ほんとうはバーベキューがしたかったんだけれど,バーベキューグリルがないからアパートのコンロでブライアンがお肉を焼いてくれたんだけれど,火災感知器が作動してしまって大変なことに!アパート中が煙でもくもく。。。あわてて窓やドアを全開にして感知器の周りを扇いだりしました(汗)。でもお肉はとてもおいしく焼けていて,とてもおいしいハンバーガーをベランダでいただきました♪ ブライアン,作ってくれてありがとう☆

For dinner, Brian cooked hamburgers. He wanted to cook meat on a BBQ grill, but we didn't have one, so he just cooked the meat inside. Then our smoke detector went off! Our apartment was full of smoke, so we hurried and wide opened our front door and windows, and tried to send fresh air to the detector with a fan. But meat was cooked well and we had great hamburgers at our balcony! Thanks for cooking Brian!


After we had dinner, we had Family Home Evening since it was Monday. As an activity, we had a mini piano recital. We each performed what we have been practicing for a couple weeks. I played one of the Chopin's song, and Brian played one of the Bach's song and some Chopin's. For refreshment, I had some butterscotch bar, but Brian couldn't have any because he had 2 hamburgers and was so full.


I am glad that we had a pretty good day together today. :)


母親と子供の活動 Activity for Mothers & Daughters

 Making a lei  レイを作っています

 Shish kebab. We had fruit one too.
シシカバブ フルーツの串も作りました♪

Learning how to crack open coconuts

Girl's dance peformance



There was an achievement day activity this morning (it was Mother & Daughter Lunch). Since it's a Memorial day weekend, there weren't many who attended, but we had a great time together.

We put fruit, veges and meat on sticks for shish kebab, made leis, watched girls dance, learned how to crack open coconuts and stuff. I attended the activity to help out the person who was in charge since I am in Primary presidency, but I'm glad I went because I got to know more people there and the activity was fun. :)


パンダエクスプレス Panda Express

金曜日の晩はたいてい外食するか,外で何か買ってきてアパートで食べます。今晩は近くのチャイニーズフードチェーン店「パンダエクスプレス」で買ってきてアパートで食べました。醍醐味は,フォーチュンクッキーのフォーチュンを見ること♪ 今日はなんとブライアンとまったく一緒のフォーチュンでした。そんなこともあるんだ~。

Brian and I ususally eat out or get something and eat at home for dinner on Fridays. Tonight we went to get food at Panda Express, a Chinese fast food place. I love how we each get a fortune cookie. Brian and I got exactly the same fortune tonight. How interesting!


Sisters' Show

夕べは同じホームステーク出身でMeridianに住む姉妹の招待を受けて,彼女の集うワードの扶助協会の活動「Sisters' Show」に行ってきました。写真にあるようなショーのためのチケットが用意されていたり,ショーの途中でレモネードやチップス&ディップ(7層の),キャラメルポップコーンが配られたり,お土産にフットケア用のシュガースクラブも用意されていました♪ 舞台セッティングやショーの内容もなかなかのもので,わたしたち女性たちがあらゆる面においていかに美しい存在であるかを思い起こさせてくれた,楽しくてすばらしいショーでした☆

A Sister from my home stake who lives in Meridian invited me to her ward's Relief Society activity called Sisters' Show, so I went to it last night. It was great in many ways - Tickets were prepared for the show, Lemonade, chips & 7 layers dip, caramel popcorn were given away during the show, sugar scrub for foot care was given to take home, satege setting and the show itself were great, etc. The show was fun and reminded me how we women are beatiful in every way. :)


友達の訪問と本格派スパゲティーミートソース Friend's Visit and Spaghetti Meatsauce

この間の日曜日に以前沼津で伝道したアリッサ・ハント姉妹が婚約者のジェイミーと訪問してくれました。二人はユタ州に住んでいるけれど,今回ナンパに住んでいるアリッサのおばさんと,アイダホフォールズに住んでいるジェイミーのおばあさんを訪問しにアイダホに来たということで時間を作って寄ってくれました♪ 二人はとてもお似合いでした(^v^)

One of my friends, Sister Alissa Hunt, who used to serve in Numazu visited me with her fiance Jamie last Sunday. They live in Utah, but came to Idaho to go visit Alissa's aunt in Nampa and Jamie's grandma in Idaho Falls. They looked so cute together. :)


I cooked spaghetti meatsauce for dinner last night. I failed in cooking carbonara last week, so I was determined to succeed in cooking meatsauce. It took me a long time, but it turned out pretty good and Brian liked it too. I thought I liked my mom's meatsauce better, so next time I would like to get the recipe from her and try to cook with her recipe.


ジャスミン Jasmine



There are many plants and flowers in our apartment, and this one plant in the living room that I didn't even know the name of it started to bloom recently. Brian told me that it was jasmine. It smells really nice.

We also have hibiscus, a few kinds of orchid, herbs, etc. Brian who majored in biology in college takes care of them all - watering and fertilize, etc.


男の子です!!! IT'S A BOY!!!

明らかに男の子(笑)Ha ha ha! So obvious!

今朝産婦人科の検診があって,男の子だと判明!写真を見れば一目瞭然(笑) どちらでもよかったけれど性別が分かってうれしいです♪♪♪

I had an appointment with the ob-gyn this morning and found out that I'm having a baby boy!!! It was pretty obvious as you can see in the picture. It didn't matter which one I was having, but I'm just glad that I now know my baby's gender. :)


母の日❤ Happy Mother's Day!!!



Happy Morther's Day!!! I baked Gateau Chocolat for my mother-in-law. Although it looked pretty cute, it didn't turn out the way I had expected, so I think I will try to bake another one sometime again. Brian's mom has been always nice to me and helps me a lot in many ways. I feel so grateful for her especially since I don't have my own mother living nearby. For my mom, I sent some sweets that I ordered online the other day. I first thought of sending her flowers, but thought she would love food more than flowers, and changed my mind.

Today at church, all the Sisters got some chocolate. I feel a little weird to think that I'm going to be a mother soon. I will do my best to be a good mother. :)


Five Guys & スーパームーン Five Guys & Supermoon

Five Guys' Little Cheeseburger and their "Smallest" Fries.


おととい土曜日はずっと行きたかった近くのハンバーガーやさんFive Guysに行きました。便利な世の中になったもので,オンラインで注文・支払いを先にしておいて,ピックアップしに行っただけ。おいしいおいしいと聞いていたのでどれだけおいしいのかと期待していましたが,わたしはIn-N-Out Burgerのが好きだなあ。アイダホにないのが残念。

Brian and I went to Five Guys, one of the famous burger places here. We just ordered and paid online beforehand and went to the shop to pick up. So convenient. I had heard many people say their burgers are so good, so I was expecting something really good, but I think I liked In-Out-Burger better. Too bad we don't have them in Idaho!


By the way, I was able to see Supermoon as many of you probably saw it as well. The coincidence of a full full moon with the closest approach the moon makes to the earth on its elliptical orbit resulted in the largest apparent size of the moon, and it was just so beautiful. I tried to take some pictures of the moon, but with my little digital camera it looks like I just took pictures of a regular full moon, doesn't it? You have to use a single-lens reflex camera for this type of thing.


やったぁー!!! Yaaaay!!!


I just received Japanese stuff I ordered online the other day. I am so excited! I know, so many snacks...I love junk food. :)

イチゴジャム Strawberry Jam


Brian just bought strawberries last Saturday, and they were already going bad, so I decided to make strawberry jam last night. I just had some on toast for breakfast this morning and it was pretty good. :)


ボイシの春 Spring in Boise



In Japan, you find cherry blossoms in full bloom everywhere in spring, but here in Boise you don't see them often. Brian and I were hoping to see cherry blossoms in DC when we went there last month, but they were two weeks early this year because it had been warmer then usual.

I was a bit sad about not being able to see cherry blossoms, but I found different trees with beautiful flowers around our apartment complex. They made me feel good. :)


BYU Women's Conference

From top: BYU sign, Y Mount, Marriott Center, Elder Neil L.Andersen and his wife.

先週はBYUのWomen's Conferenceに参加するために,義理のお母さんや妹たちと一緒にボイシから車で約7時間ほどかけて久しぶりにユタ州プロボに行ってきました。BYUキャンパスは数年ぶりでしたが,前回よりもさらに新しい建物が建っていたりしてずいぶん変わっていたところもあったけれど,とても懐かしくてBYU時代を思い出しました。BYUのときの最初のルームメイトもたまたまWomen's Conferenceに参加していて会うことができたり,ほかにも同じホームステーク出身の友達や沼津で伝道した友達などに会えたりしてうれしかったです。Women's Conferenceには各地から集まった多くの姉妹が参加していました。来年は赤ちゃんがいるので行けないけれど,またぜひ行きたいな。

I went to Provo, Utah last week to attend BYU Women's Conference. My mother-in-law, sister-in-law, her daughter and I drove down there from Boise. It took nealy 7 hours to get there. It had been a several years since I was on BYU campus last time, and there were so many new building built and stuff, but it was really nice to be back there and totally reminded me of the good old time. My first roommate from BYU happened to be at the Women's Conference as well, so I got to see her. I was also able to see some other from my home stake and some returned missionaries who served in Numazu. It was so nice to see them all. There were so many sisters from all over the states who attended the conference. I don't think I can make it next year with a baby, but I would like to go back sometime again.

新婚旅行 Honeymoon

From top: Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, Washington DC Temple



Brian and I went to Washington DC from 4/10 to 4/15 for our honeymoon. It was our first time to go to the East coast. There were many places we could go to and we felt like we didn't have enough time, but we were able to go visit all the places we were planning on going. And Luckily I didn't have morning sickness at all, so I was able to fully enjoy our trip.

It's the 100th year this year since Japan donated cherry trees to DC, so there were many special exhibits and stuff going on. Brian loves art museums and history stuff and I don't, so next time we go back to DC, Brian is planning on going all the art museums by himself, and I am planning on going to the zoo and some other fun places with my new child. :)