I had two rice balls and a boiled egg. Brian had a sandwich, an apple, some crackers and cheese.
It was Memorial Day, and Briand had a day off. So, we decided to go picnic at a park. Each of us packed own lunch and headed to Ann Morris park nearby.
There were many people at the park playing badminton, frisbee golf, and volleyball, etc. Some were riding bikes and walking around. We walked around the park a little bit and found a big fountain and the statue of deers. The weather was perfect and it felt so good being outside.
夜はブライアンがハンバーガーを作ってくれました。ほんとうはバーベキューがしたかったんだけれど,バーベキューグリルがないからアパートのコンロでブライアンがお肉を焼いてくれたんだけれど,火災感知器が作動してしまって大変なことに!アパート中が煙でもくもく。。。あわてて窓やドアを全開にして感知器の周りを扇いだりしました(汗)。でもお肉はとてもおいしく焼けていて,とてもおいしいハンバーガーをベランダでいただきました♪ ブライアン,作ってくれてありがとう☆
For dinner, Brian cooked hamburgers. He wanted to cook meat on a BBQ grill, but we didn't have one, so he just cooked the meat inside. Then our smoke detector went off! Our apartment was full of smoke, so we hurried and wide opened our front door and windows, and tried to send fresh air to the detector with a fan. But meat was cooked well and we had great hamburgers at our balcony! Thanks for cooking Brian!
After we had dinner, we had Family Home Evening since it was Monday. As an activity, we had a mini piano recital. We each performed what we have been practicing for a couple weeks. I played one of the Chopin's song, and Brian played one of the Bach's song and some Chopin's. For refreshment, I had some butterscotch bar, but Brian couldn't have any because he had 2 hamburgers and was so full.
I am glad that we had a pretty good day together today. :)