
BYU Women's Conference

From top: BYU sign, Y Mount, Marriott Center, Elder Neil L.Andersen and his wife.

先週はBYUのWomen's Conferenceに参加するために,義理のお母さんや妹たちと一緒にボイシから車で約7時間ほどかけて久しぶりにユタ州プロボに行ってきました。BYUキャンパスは数年ぶりでしたが,前回よりもさらに新しい建物が建っていたりしてずいぶん変わっていたところもあったけれど,とても懐かしくてBYU時代を思い出しました。BYUのときの最初のルームメイトもたまたまWomen's Conferenceに参加していて会うことができたり,ほかにも同じホームステーク出身の友達や沼津で伝道した友達などに会えたりしてうれしかったです。Women's Conferenceには各地から集まった多くの姉妹が参加していました。来年は赤ちゃんがいるので行けないけれど,またぜひ行きたいな。

I went to Provo, Utah last week to attend BYU Women's Conference. My mother-in-law, sister-in-law, her daughter and I drove down there from Boise. It took nealy 7 hours to get there. It had been a several years since I was on BYU campus last time, and there were so many new building built and stuff, but it was really nice to be back there and totally reminded me of the good old time. My first roommate from BYU happened to be at the Women's Conference as well, so I got to see her. I was also able to see some other from my home stake and some returned missionaries who served in Numazu. It was so nice to see them all. There were so many sisters from all over the states who attended the conference. I don't think I can make it next year with a baby, but I would like to go back sometime again.

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