
幼児教育準備プログラム Early Learning Readiness Prograrm


It was the last in-class day of Early Learning Readiness program YMCA is sponsoring. We will be going to the zoo together the day after tomorrow, then we will be all done. William and I have been attending this program twice a week for an hour and a half each time since last September. All other YMCA programs are pretty pricey, but this one is free and they give kids free snacks and pay fees for field trips to many places (for both kids and parents), and William got to experience many things. I have registered him for next year as well. I'm grateful for this program so that William has the opportunity to learn especially since we can only send him to preschool twice a week because it's so pricey. 

It's pretty big and heavy for this guy. lol


By the way, William started eating many fruits after we got back from Japan. He used to eat all the fruits when he was like a year old, but lately only fruit he had been eating was apples. Now he eats oranges/mandarins, pineapples, strawberries and grapes too. Currently he is into strawberries and he wants them all day! We ran out the ones we got a few days ago, so got a big one from Costco today. It was only $7.50. 

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