
今週の出来事 This Week


月曜は午後からウィリアムと水族館に行ってきました。小さい水族館なのに高いのでめったに行かないのだけれど,たまには何か楽しいことさせてあげないとかわいそうかなと思って行ってきました。ゆっくり回っても45分で終了。笑 でも楽しんでくれたのでよかった。楽しんでくれなくちゃ。二人で15ドルも払ったんだから!






幼稚園お休み Sick Home from School




At first, he acted like he was sick, but after a while he was acting fine, and I spent many hours playing with him.

朝はおさるのジョージのテレビとDVDを見て,その後はほとんど一日バレンタインの準備ということで(今ウィリアムがはまってること),色画用紙をハート形に切り抜いたり(これにウィリアムいちいちI LOVE YOUとか書くんです),デコレーションを作ったりしました。
In the morning, he watched Curious George on pbskids, then on DVD. After that, for the most part of the day he wanted to make Valentines and Valentine's Day decorations. He has been into making Valentines this last few days.

He was doing well, so I made him do his 20 minutes of reading homework and piano home work for his music class too.

It felt like he played hooky from school, but I'm glad he got better. I'm sending him to school tomorrow for sure.

And we had Lasagna for dinner. I like it because it's yummy and easy to make, but it's got so many calories and takes a few days for us to finish eating...William doesn't eat it of course.


新しい車 A New Car

It's been a while since I last posted. There were a lot of thing I want to talk about, but I just write about a few things.

William's music class for the year started two weeks ago. This semester, the kids are leaning how to play the piano with the left hand. It's been only two weeks, but he has been doing really well.

Last Monday was Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and William didn't have school. Brian had to go to work since he doesn't work for the federal government.

その前の晩から右腹が痛くて薬を飲んでも痛みがなくならなくてよく眠れなくて,マーティン・ルーサー・キングの日も調子悪くてずっと横になってました。薬飲んでも治らないし調子悪いからブライアンに早く帰って来てもらって,盲腸かもしれないから検査してもらったほうがいいということで緊急治療室(ER)に行くことにしました。CT撮ってもらって盲腸じゃないことが分かったのでほっとしました。病院でもらった痛み止めと吐き気止め飲んだらもっと調子悪くなってその後2日ほど調子悪くてやっと木曜あたりからよくなったところです。My right side stomach started hurting the night before, and the pain medicine didn't work and I couldn't sleep well. I was still sick on Martin Luther King Day and lying on the couch most of the day. I was not doing well at all, so I asked Brian to come home early and he did. We thought I might have appendicitis, so we decided to go to the emergency room to have some tests done (CT, blood tests, etc.). Luckily I didn't have appendicitis, but the pain medicine and the medicine for nausea made me sicker and was feeling still sick for few more days.

And the big news was that we finally bought a new car yesterday! It's 2016 Mazda CX-5 Touring. It's a small SUV with 4WD. The feature that made me decide on this car was the push button start feature. I had forgotten about that feature until I saw this car. No one seems to drive this type of car around here. I wanted Toyota Rav4 but it didn't have the feature, so Mazda won. Also, although Toyota has the lowest maintenance cost, Mazda has better engines, so Mazda it is. We bought the car at the dealer like 2 minutes from our home. Our old dodge stratus' transmission was going out, so we are glad we could buy a new car yesterday. We traded in our old stratus, but it was such a junk that we only got $250 out of it, but we are glad that it's gone. lol

Even though the car wasn't functioning so well at the end, I have so memories with the car. It was the car that brought William from the hospital. It was the car that took us to many road trips, and once it got flat tires on a trip and had to be towed. It also got stuck in the snow, etc. Such a good memories. Thank you Stratus!


お手玉 Otedama






雪だるま Snowman

Today, William wanted to make a snowman right after he got home from kindergarten. So, we started making one even before we had lunch.

I don't own a waterproof gloves, so I used a pair of yellow gloves that are normally used to clean the sink and stuff.

This snow is actually leftover snow from Christmas. It's been so cold that we still have some left. It's supposed to rain tonight, so the snow will all melt soon, so it was good that we could make a snowman today. We couldn't do it when it snowed because we were all sick. William was happy that we could make a snowman today.

After we had lunch, we went to a camera shop in the mall to have William's passport picture taken. Both his US and Japanese passport expires in May, so unless he renew them now, he won't be able to go to Japan in June!

モールで写真を取ったらフードコートのマクドナルドに行こうって言っていたのに,いざ行くとマクドナルドがなくなっていました!ということでいつもお決まりのSee's Candyへ。サンプルのチョコレートをもらい,幾つかさらにチョコを購入しました。サンプルのはモールのベンチに座って食べました。いつもおいしい💖
After the picture, we were planning on going to McDonald's in the food court to get some fries, but it was gone! So, we decided to go to his favorite See's Candy. Thanks to the nice lady at the See's, we got two different samples, and we had them on the bench in the mall. :) Of course we bought some truffles too. I love See's. 

We went to the kids' play area too. We can hardly go out and play in winter, so it's nice to have a place like this to get the energy out.

As for me, I still have a sore throat and doesn't seem to get better. William told me today to have fruits, veggies, proteins, and drink a lot of water and go to bed. lol So I think I'm going to bed soon tonight.


昨日と今日 Yesterday and Today

I have been having a terrible sore throat for a several days, and have a hard time sleeping. I thought I might have a strep, so went to see the doctor yesterday. The strep test came out negative, but the doctor decided to treat me as strep and prescribed me some antibiotic since my throat looked like I had a strep. My throat still hurts quite bit, but I think it's slightly better.

William and I went to pizza hut yesterday to get a free pan pizza. He gets this certificate from school when he does his 20 minutes of reading homework everyday. He still has one certificate from December (he used November one today), so he can have one more pizza before he gets another one.

William had pizza for lunch (He gave me half of the pizza though, lol), but Brian and I had pizza for dinner. William didn't want to have pizza for dinner and I don't blame him. lol

William decided to make books yesterday. They were actually pretty good and fun to listen to. He made four of them and put a golden medal for all of the books (the medal was put if the book was good).

Today was Saturday, but neither Brian nor I was feeling good, so we spent all day at home. William and Brian worked on the Imperial Hotel Lego and finished it. After they finished it, the hotel went straight to the Island of Sodor. lol

ソドー島(笑)The Island of Sodor lol

We had to have William play by himself a lot since we weren't feeling all that great. He played with puzzles, other Legos, painted pictures, etc. We need him to learn to play by himself because there are times when we are sick or have something else we need to be doing, and can't play with him all the time.


And the highlight of the day would be this. Right before his bath, he hit his forehead with this Brian's dragon statue thing and his forehead got so swollen. He was hiding in our closet underneath Brian's shirts, and when he was coming out, he didn't see the statue and hit himself. And he didn't tell us, but was quietly lying down on his futon on his tummy. We had to put an ice pack on his forehead for a while and his bed time was pushed back and so forth, but I'm glad he didn't cut his head wide open like last time! I have a feeling that it's going to be a great year...


金の延べ棒? Gold Bars?

This morning, while William was in school, I made some banana bread because there were some bananas that were getting too ripe. After all the work, it came out so flat, looked just like gold bars! Not until I saw them I realized I forgot to put baking soda. :( I was thinking of taking some to people, but it didn't happen. :(

I wasn't feeling all that good yesterday from my cold (mostly sore throat) and lack of sleep, and couldn't take good care of William, but today I did a little better. And William brought homework from school too, so he was working on some of them this afternoon and that helped kill time too.

I think I'm going to bed soon since I've been going to bed late lately, and I need to get more sleep. It's almost midnight though...


活動の日 Activity Days

We had Activity Days tonight. The girls did a great job. Each Chinese character represents their new year resolution.


友情ーMake a lots of friends
踊ーWork on dancing
数―Work on math
音ーWork on the piano (the character "弾” might have been better to use, ha ha.)


仕事始め First Work Day of the Year

It's January 2nd, but both Brian and William returned to work and school today. No fun!

This morning, I was planning on getting up at 6:30, but apparently my alarm had been broken (I didn't know that until it didn't work this morning), and I didn't get up until 7:10. Luckily I had just enough time before I had to take William to school at 8. 

William seemed like he had a good time at kindergarten today although he said he didn't remember what he did today in school.

In the afternoon, William and I played with Thomas trains...

And with magnet alphabets...

And did some other things William wanted to do. 

I got so sleepy a few times while playing with him, so had some snacks to keep me awake.

Today, a new year card from my sister arrived. And one of my friends from high school sent me a Mt. Fuji calendar again this year. Her friend who owns an alcohol store has taken all the pictures, and it has a recipe on the back for each month. You can also cut out the pictures and use them as a post card later.

And tonight, I watched on Youtube one of my favorite Japanese TV shows for the New Year. Japanese talents are to guess which music is played by professionals or amateurs, which wine is one billion dollar wine by tasting and comparing two different wines, etc.) There is always some people who guess all of them right, and there is always some people who do terrible and it's hard to explain, but so much fun. You just have to see it. lol 

Tonight, our beloved prophet, President Thomas S. Monson, passed away at the age 90. He hadn't been doing well for the last several months, and we all knew he wouldn't live long, but it was sad to hear the news. Throughout his life, he had been a great example to everyone. He took care of so many widows in his wards, showed love to everyone. May we all have the love he had which is the love of Christ for everyone around us.


明けましておめでとうございます Happy New Year!

The year 2018 began.

There is not really a new year celebration in the US. People do countdown on New Year's eve, but after it's over, they don't really do anything to celebrate the new year.

We had a Japanese traditional new year food, zouni (mochi in soup) for breakfast. The one my mom makes is soy sauce base with taro and daikon radish in it. And we put a ton of bonito flakes on top.

Never mind the Christmas tablecloth...

After breakfast, we put Christmas stuff away.

For the rest of the day, Brian and William did Lego. This time it was Japan Imperial Hotel Lego Brian got for Christmas. They are still working on it.

I worked on another puzzle (500 pieces) in my pajamas until around 4 pm. lol After I finished it, I just took a picture of it, and took them all apart.

And we had Kimchee nabe for dinner tonight. It doesn't look all that good, but it's always nice to have warm food like this when it's cold outside.

And I baked melon pan (bread) for the first baking of the year. I can't make them quite right (the cookie part somehow breaks), but they are always yummy. :)

I hope I can make this year a great year.