
寿司 Sushi

Willy, you can't eat, sorry.

It was my younger brother's birthday. That wasn't exactly the reason we had sushi, but recently I got bonus and had promised that I would take my family out for dinner or somthing, so we decided to order Sushi from a pretty famous Sushi place near my house. It was so delicious! Different from cheap Sushi. The person who delivered the food gave us 10 chopsticks (half split one), but there were actually only 4 of us! lol My family eats a lot! It's been three hours since we had dinner, but we are all full still. And I look like 9 months pregnant!



今日は教会員の歌手グループ、BLESS 4が沼津支部のオープンハウスのために来てくれて、ミニコンサートがありました。彼らの経験や歌を聴いてとても感動しました~!とてもよかった!!完璧ファンになった!!

BLESS 4 came to Numazu branch today for the branch open house. Their stories and songs were so very good. I was so touched! I totally became fan of them!


伝道に出る友達 My Friend Leaving for her Mission


A friend of mine in the same branch is leaving tomorrow for MTC in Provo. She will be serving in Independence, Missouri Mission which is not a common place for Japanese people to serve. I pray she will do well for a year and a half!

わたしのブルーベリー My Blueberries


This is the third year since I planted my blueberry tree. I got about 22 blueberries for the first year, only got 1 last year, but it seems like I can have more than 30 this year. I already took 9 of them off the tree yesterday. I could have waited a little longer, but I was worried that some birds might eat them all. The blueberries were so yummy! I remember I only had one last year, so I couldn't really taste anything, but I'm so glad I can eat many of them this year!!