
別れの時 Time to Say Goood-bye

写真ぼやけてて残念! Too bad it's blurry!

President and Sister Traveller, the former Nagoya mission president returned home on 7/1. They came to Shizuoka stake for the last time when we had stake conference. We are thankful for their wonderful service. It was so much fun to associate with them. I miss them. I saw the new mission president and his wife the other day at the new mission president seminar. They seemed very nice. :)


最高のディナー Great Dinner

ちょ~かわいくない?How cute this looks!
超思いっきり食べまくりました☆ I had soooo much food!

One of the sisters in the branch invited me and another young sister for dinner. There were so much delicious food including my favorite deep fried chicken. I took a picture of some of the food. For a dessert, I brought a Milky Roll (cream roll) from Fujiya. I had been wanting to eat it and it was yummy. :)

筋トレ部 Work Out Club

同僚の丹ちゃん My co-worker, Tan chan分厚い辞書とわたし me with thick dictionaries

Some of us at work started "work out club" several months ago. We work out three times a week (Mon, Wed, & Fri) during our lunch break. I used to use one liter water filled bottles, but they were too light and useless, so I decided to use thick dictionaries I found in the office.


びわ Loquats (Biwa)

枇杷の季節になりました☆ わたしがちっちゃいころに庭にまいた3つの枇杷のタネが、芽を出して成長して長い間実を付けてくれています。おととしくらいに台風で一本木が折れてしまったのと、木がかなり大きくなってしまってとなりの家に迷惑になってしまうので去年けっこう枝を切ってしまったので、今年は実が少なかったのですが、おいしくいただきました~☆

This time of the year, we get loquats off the tree which I planted a long time ago. Actually, I planted three seeds when I was a kid, and they grew, began to sprout, and have been producing fruits every year for a long time. A typhoon caused to fell one of them several years ago, and we cut most of the branches off for the other trees last year because they grew so big that they were disturbing the neighbor, so we only had a little fruits, but they were so good.

またケーキ Cakes again

先週買い物をしたんだけれど、返品することになったのです。で、その商品が5000円ちょいしたから、戻ってきたお金で、コージーコーナーのケーキを買ってきて家族で食べました♪ おいしそうでしょう☆ちょっと一つが大きめだからご飯食べた後でお腹いっぱいになりました。はいはい、分かっています、最近食べ物のことについてのブログ多いんでしょ(笑)。

I went shopping last week, but I decided to return one of the items. I got a little over 5000 yen (about 50 dollars), so with that money I bought some cakes for my family. They look good huh. Each cake was quite big, so I was so full after I had a cake after dinner. I know, I know, I talk about food often on my blog. lol


お別れ会 A Farewell Party


We had a farewell party for Brother and Sister R this afternoon at work. Brother R has been working as a Director of Temporal Affair since 2003, and he is now retiring from his position. They will be going back to the US, their home country. I am so grateful for the love and example they have shown to us.


ドルセのケーキ Cakes from Dolce

これがわたしの食べたやつ。These are the ones I had.

これが買ってきた全部。All the cakes I bought.
少し前に妹の誕生日で、家族でお祝いしました。といっても内田家の誕生日と言えば、以前にも紹介したけれど、ケーキを買ってきて歌って食べるだけなんだけどね。最近は仕事の帰りに品川駅のecuteにあるBuzz Searchというケーキ屋さんで買ったりもするけれど、大きくて高い(田舎者としては、はんぱなく高い!)ので、個人的には地元沼津のdolceというケーキ屋さんが好き。いつもそこで買うときは、一人2個分ずついろんな種類を買って、じゃんけんして勝った人から選べるってやつ(誕生日の人は、一つ目は最初に選べる)。ドルセのケーキ最高!今回もおいしくいただきました~☆

It was my sister's birthday not long ago, so my family celebrated. Well, I introduced my family tradition before, but we just buy cakes, sing a birthday song, and eat the cakes. Recently, I sometimes go buy cakes at a cake shop called Buzz Search in Shinagawa station, but the cakes are all huge but super expensive for me, so I personally prefer a local cake shop, "dolce". Whenever I buy cakes there, I buy 2 cakes for each family memeber, and my family fights over the favorite ones (we do rock, paper, scissors). I LOVE their cakes! They are always so yummy!

4年目のブルーベリー The 4th Year Blueberries

今年でブルーベリーを育てて(単に植えてかもぉ)4年目になります!何も世話してないので最初に期待していたほど出来もたいして良くないのだけれど、毎年実をつけてくれます。今年も実がなってきました☆ 20個+くらいかなあ。そのうち幾つかはもう紫色になってもうすぐ収穫できそう♪ 鳥にやられないようにしなくちゃ。そのうちパイナップルについても報告します☆

This is the 4th year I have had the blueberry tree. I just planted and haven't really taken care of it, so it hasn't really grown as I hoped for, but every year it produces berries. It has produced about 20 berries again this year, and some of them have turned purple already, yay! From now on, I will have to keep my eye on the blueberries so that birds won't pick them! I should also report on my pineapples soon.


シンガーソングライターFaith / Faith; A Singer-Songwriter

最近わたしのお勧めのシンガーソングライターをご紹介します☆ その名はFaith(教会員にとってはこの名前は最高でしょう!)。毎週土曜日2時―5時まで沼津駅近くの地下道で歌っています。歌を歌う以外にも、いろいろ地域の活動に参加されたりして、ほんと感心する方です。透き通った声に癒されます。土曜日に美容院に行った帰りに会いに行ってきました(初!)。少しだけだったけれど歌を聞いて,お話して,「さくらの舞う頃」というCDもゲットしてきました。このお金は全額リレー・フォー・ライフ(対ガン協会)に寄付されます。ということで、興味のあるかたは是非、Faith オフィシャルサイト、http://www.faith-y.net/top.html をごらんあれ。ちなみにブログもあって、http://blog.goo.ne.jp/youhei_y_1127 です☆

I would like to introduce you a singer-songwriter of my recent favorite. His name is Faith (don't you love that name as members of the church?). He sings underground near Numazu station (in my home town) every Saturday 2-5pm. He's got a pure and healing voice. Not only he sings songs, but also participates in so many local events and do many good things which impress me so much. I went to meet him after I got my hair permed on Saturday for the first time. I could stay only for a short time, but I listened to him singing, talked to him a bit, and even bought a CD called "Sakura Mau Koro". All the money he gets from selling the CD will be donated to Relay for Life (a Cancer Society). If you are interested, please go visit his official site, http://www.faith-y.net/top.html. He also has a blog which is http://blog.goo.ne.jp/youhei_y_1127.

またデジパーかけました☆ I got a digital perm again!


I got my hair digital permed again! We will soon have a rainy season, so I just had to do something with my hair before it comes. We had a picture taken at work, so while I looked decent, I thougt of taking a picture of myself and upload it here, ha ha. But look at my double chin!! I've got to do something about it for sure!

チョコボールもも味 Choco Ball Peach Flavor

日本人にはおなじみの、チョコボール。日曜日に扶助協会の会長さんからモモ味をもらいました♪ 初めて見た~。ピーチ味のチョコにチョコクッキーが包まれていて、まあまあの味。ふつうのやつよりも箱も中の粒も大きめでした(ここ大事)。静岡県民としては、かの有名な「ちびまるこちゃん」がパッケージに載っているのもグー☆ 皆さん見つけたらお試しあれ~。

Ok, this is a Japanese thing, but there is a classic famous candy called "Choco Ball". My Rerief Society President gave me the new peach flavor. It tasted ok. I don't think any of you (non-Japanese, unless you live in Japan) have the opportunity to have it, but if you ever do, please try it.


ニュージーランド旅行 Trip to New Zealand

神殿の訪問者センター前で  in front of visitor center of the temple

ニュージーランドでいちばん大きい木、タネマフタ Tane Mahuta, the biggest tree in NZ

ビーチ beach

アイスクリーム(1スクープだよ) ice cream (this is one scoop)

貝を空けてカキを食べてます。Eating oysters out of shells.

I went to New Zealand for the first time during Golden Week. It was my first trip abroad other than the US (including Guam), so it was a quite interesting trip. I went to visit a sister who used to be in my branch.

Fist of all, 11 hour direct flight was way too long to travel alone! Air New Zealand was all right; quite spacy compared to some othe airlines. When I arrived in NZ, the sister's car broke down all the sudden on our way to her home. Smoke started to come out of the car like crazy which kind of blocked off the road. We got out of the car and ran, leaving my suitcase and stuff. Fortunately the car didn't explode or anything, but it died there. So, we had to wait for someone from the sister's ward to come get us. After waiting for about an hour, we were rescued and finally reached home. The next day, we didn't have a car to take us anywhere, but the sister borrowed her neighbor's car and we were able to go different places. Could you believe she kept the car for 3, 4 days straight? That is not acceptable here in Japan.
ニュージーランドの英語は、アメリカ英語と全然ちがくて、イギリス英語がなまった感じで早口、かつわたしの行ったところ(オークランドより2時間半ほど北のワンガレイというところ)はマオリの人がたくさんいて、マオリ語を混ぜて話すもんだから、英語だかマオリ語だかよく分からなくて、会話に苦労しました。ニュージーランドでしか使わないような言葉を使っていて面白かったです。例えば、heaps、choiceとか、語尾にehと付けたり、ケチャップのことをtomato sauceと言ったり、Eの音をイーと発音してた(例えばtenorをティーナって感じに言ったり、templeがティンポーだったり)。
The English people spoke there was totally different from the one in the US. They spoke British English with a different dialect, and they spoke it so fast. Where I went (Whangarei, 2 1/2 hours north of Auckland), there were so many Maori people, so they mixed Maori in English. I had such a hard time just to have conversations because I could hardly differentiate which language they were speaking. People also used the words the people in the US don't normally use such as "heaps", "choice" etc., and they would add "eh" at the end of the sentences. Oh, and they called ketchup Tomato Sauce. Plus they pronounced E as E, hard to explain in English, but for example, they would pronounce Tenor as Teena, temple as timpo, etc. It was interesting.
I was in NZ for a week, but there are too many things I want to write about, so I just try to list up the things I did and stuff.
  • オークランド博物館に行った。I went to Auckland Museum
  • カキを貝から自分で開けて食べた。I had Oysters out of shells (I had to open them to eat!)
  • タネマフタというニュージーランドでいちばん大きい木を見に行った。I went to see Tane Mahuta, the biggest tree in New Zealand
  • 羊よりたくさんの牛がいてびっくり。I was surprised to find so many cows instead of sheep
  • フェイジョアという果物のファンになった。I became a fan of Feijoa (fruit)
  • キュウイハウスに行ってキュウイ(動物)を見た。夜行性だって知らなかった。I went to the Kiwi House and saw the real Kiwi (didn't know they were nocturnal)
  • 物価が高いこと!日本より高いと思った。大きいペットボトルのソーダが3ドルくらいしてた。ガソリンも1リットル1ドル80セント以上してた。Things were super expensive there! I thought they were much more expensive than things in Japan. one big bottle of soda would cost like $3! One liter of gasoline(they called petrol, ha ha) would cost over $1.80.
  • ニュージーランドのアイスクリームが有名だって知らなかった。とてもおいしかった。1スクープが大きかったしね。I didn't know that NZ was famous for the ice cream. It was yummy and one scoop was big.
  • とても大きな虹をみた。端から端まで見える大きなやつ。I saw a huge rainbow! I could see all the way from one end to the other end!
  • ニュージーランドハミルトン神殿に行った。ワンガレイから片道3時間半かかったけど。そこで、沼津支部にいるニュージーランド人の兄弟のお母さんに偶然会った。奇跡奇跡。I went to New Zealand Hamilton Temple. It took us 3 1/2 hours one way. There I miraculously met a Samoan sister whose son is in my home branch in Japan.
  • ほかにもいろいろ不思議なことがおこって、神様の存在を身近に感じることができました。There were many miracles happened during the trip. I truly felt my Heavenly Father was watching over me.
I have tons more to say, but I will stop here. It's going to be my bed time soon!


カリフォルニアバーガー California Burger


I know this is about ages ago, but I had a California Burger (the 4th and last burger of Big America series from McDonald's). So here is the picture. The patty was big, but it was so dry and disappointed me. Now I have had all four burgers, and personally this is the order I liked; #1-Texas #2-Hawaiian #3-California #4-New York.


ホワイトデーの贈り物 White Day Gift


It was what's called White Day this past Sunday (in Japan, girls give chocolates and gifts to boys on Valentine's Day, and White Day is its opposite). As a White Day gift, I received a very yummy chocolate cake from the brothers at work yesterday. I had had way too much snacks and sweets yesterday before eating the cake, so I was super full afterwards. Usually my dad picks me up at the nearby station when I go home, but I decided to walk home to get rid of some of the calories. That wasn't enough at all, but it's better than nothing right?


ハワイアンバーガー Hawaiian Burger

もうだいぶ前ですが、マクドナルドのハワイアンバーガーを食べました。ハワイアンバーガーは,パティー,卵,ベーコン,チーズ,レタスにバーベキューソースっぽいソースがかかっていました。もっと甘いイメージがあったけれど,意外とおいしかったです。これで3つ制覇。あとは都内では今日から発売されるカリフォルニアバーガー一つを残すのみ☆ たぶん来週買いに行きます♪
I had a Hawaiian Burger from McDonald's (it was a while ago). The burger had a hamburger patty, bacon, egg, cheese, lettus, with BBQ sauce-ish sauce. I thought it would taste sweeter which isn't my favorite, but it acutally tasted good. Now I have had 3 of McDonald's Big America Series, and one more- California burger - to go. In Tokyo area, it will be sold for several weeks starting today. I'm going to have it probably next week. :)


ニューヨークバーガー New York Burger


I had a McDonald's New York Burger last week. It had a hamburger patty, a slice of bacon, white cheese (I don't know the kind), a slice of tomato and some lettuce with mustard. The mustard was like Japanese mustard which I do not like (it is spicy and comes to your nose), so I liked Texas Burger better.


ウィリーの誕生日 Willy's Birthday


It was my family's dog, Willy's birthday on the 12th. He turned 12, yep he's old. I bought him some treats. He ate a ton of them at the same time, so he had a stomache problem later. Poor thing...


テキサスバーガー Texas Burger

ちょっと前にマクドナルドで「テキサスバーガー」を食べました♩ もっとすんごいものを想像していたんだけれど、見た瞬間ちょっとしょぼいな~と思いました。でも食べたら意外とおいしかった☆ハンバーガーパティーにベーコンとピクルスとチーズが入っていて、バーベキューソースとマスタードがかかってて、もうサイコ~!!期間限定だったからもう終わってしまったけれど,今日からニューヨークバーガー。これも食べに行きたいなぁ。ハンバーガー大好き♡

I wen to McDonald's a little while ago to have what's called "Texas Burger"(in Japan only). I was expecting something so big and wild, but it looked normal as I saw the hamburger. But, it actually tasted good. It had a hamburger patty, bacon, cheese, and pickels with some BBQ sauce and mustard...mmmm yummy!! It is no longer available since it was for a limited time only, but next one, "New York Burger", is now available. I want to go eat it. I love hamburgers!! :)


バプテスマ会 Baptism


There was a baptism of a sister yesterday. It has been a long time since we had a baptism in the branch. The sister who got baptized is such a kind person and I am always excited to see her at church!

友達の披露宴 My Friend's Wedding Reception


I went to my friend's wedding reception that was held in Yokohama on the 9th. Both of them looked so happy. :)


大好きなハーブティー My Favorite Herbal Tea


Recently I'm into Herbal tea, especially a mix of Rosehip and Hibiscus. I highly recommend it.

ウィリーとお菓子の缶 Willy & A Can of Snacks


Willy loves to eat and sleep. The other day, he was sleeping with his head on a can of snacks.


明けましておめでとう!A Happy New Year!

At the shrine next to my house right after the year changed.


A Happy New Year! I wish you all a wonderful year 2010!