
ハーフバースデー Half Birthday

In William's preschool, they celebrate half birthdays for those who have their birthday during the summer break. Today they celebrated William's half birthday. He is 4 and a half.

The birthday person brings cupcakes/cakes, etc from home for everyone to have for a snack, so I made cupcakes yesterday. At preschool, he got a birthday crown, got a gift from his teacher, everybody sang a birthday song for him, etc. He had a great time.

By the way, I normally make them from scratch, but this time I just use a cake mix from the store and put store bought frosting as well. They weren't the best cupcakes at all (I wouldn't dare eat them for they are too sweet for him), but William's teacher told me that the cupcake was yummy. William also told me in the car on the way home that the frosting was so good. I'm glad everyone seemed to like the cupcakes, but get kind of disgusted how people love sugary stuff. William totally has a sweet tooth...


パンク Flat Tire

Brian found a nail in the tire of his truck. As soon as he pulled the nail, the air started coming out and got a flat.

Before we got the tire off, we cleaned his truck first. Inside his truck was filled with junk - books, CDs, receipts, many many plastic bags, trash, etc. The back seats could not be seen. It was just terrible! I think he got a flat so he could clean the truck.

After we got rid of all the junk, Brian took the tire off. He put it in the trunk of Stratus and went to the shop to get it fixed. Since he got the tire from the shop, they fixed it for free which I was glad about.

And the tire is back on the truck. I'm glad Brian didn't get a flat while he was driving.


フィールドトリップ Field Trip

There was a field trip for William's preschool today. We went to the gym one of his classmates' mom opened, and a grocery store.

He loves the trampoline.

He needed help with somersault first.

He was getting the hang of it.

At the end, he nailed it. :)

After they had fun moving around, they had a snack time. They had some Gold Fish, string cheese, cupcake, and Capri Sun. They all loved them.

After the gym, we headed to Albertsons. We got to see all the different veggies, fruits, drinks, meat, seafood, bakery, etc. They gave us some oranges, almond chocolate milk, bagel, crackers & cheese & ham while we went through the store. At the end, the kids got to take a bottle of water, a banana, and a yummy peanut butter granola bar.

It was so cold today. In fact, it was slightly snowing all day long, and was windy too, so it felt even colder. I was going to cook pasta (carbonara) for dinner, but it was so cold that I decided to cook minestrone and rolls instead. But then after I started to cook minestrone, I thought it wouldn't fill Brian's tummy, so I decided to cook carbonara as well. So here are what we had for dinner (rolls are not in the picture). 


今日の出来事 Today's Activities

At YMCA, we get a new theme every two weeks or so, and get to play with things related to the theme.

We had a new theme today - Transportation. The kids could play with mini car race, pretend to be a driver, etc.

William loved playing with mini cars.

He drove a little. His friends took over though. lol

In the afternoon, William's books (Body book and Space book) arrived in the mail. William was so excited and kept flipping the pages. I forgot to take pictures, so I'll post it later.

And tonight, I had Activity Days. We made lip gloss to remind us to speak kindly to others. I made it cherry flavor. 

We got it done early, so we did jump ropes! It had been a long time since I jump roped last, and I was out of breath after like 20 seconds. lol Totally out of shape!


It was President's Day yesterday and Brian was off.

We wanted to go out but it was cloudy and looked like it was going to rain anytime, so we stayed home. We played a game called "TOKAIDO" which was given to me from Brian for Christmas.

There were many rules and it was complicated, but as we played we got the hang of it, and it was actually fun.

We played twice, and for both times, Brian won, William came in second, and I lost. :( William and I played it again this afternoon, but again, I couldn't beat William. I just can't understand why I can't even beat him...

This was yesterday's dinner - my favorite Smashburger! It had been months since I had it last. So yum! I'm on a diet by the way, so I tried to have some green too so I don't feel all guilty. lol


ディスカバリーセンター Discovery Center

William and I got to go to Discovery Center in downtown this morning.

with his friend Paulo. In front of T-rex.

Right now, T-rex is there (well the bones), so I was interested in going, so it was a perfect timing. If you go there by your own, you would have to pay $16. Kids (2 yrs and up) even have to pay $12! So expensive. Today, YMCA paid for us all!

Besides T-rex, there were many fun things that kids could play and experiment with.

William was spending most of the time with his Mexican friend Paulo. They were having so much fun together.

I don't have the picture, but William's favorite was Shadow Box (it would take pictures of your shadow). He wanted to do it again and again.

I'm grateful for YMCA for taking us to field trips like this for free!


バレンタインデー Happy Valentine's Day!

It was Valentine's Day today.

William had a Royal Valentine's Day party at his preschool today. He was supposed to wear a king/prince/knight costume. I made a king cloak and paper crown for him to wear.

And he was supposed to bring valentines for his classmates.

In return, he got Valentines from his friends too. :)

In the afternoon, after William's music class, we went to Daddy's work to surprise him with a Valentine. We gave him a box of See's chocolate and a handmade card.

While we were gone, grandma (my mother-in-law) had dropped off some candies and a stuffed animal (lion) for William. And someone had left a plate of goodies. So sweet.

夜はお父さん(ブライアン)からバレンタインをもらいました。わたしはゴディバのチョコレートとバラの花束。ウィリアムは惑星の本(最近宇宙とか惑星とかにハマってます)。わたしはウィリアムに昼間See's Candyのハート形チョコレートをあげました。
In the evening, Daddy gave us Valentines. I got GODIVA chocolate and beautiful roses William got a book about planet (he is into planets right now). I gave William a See's hart shaped chocolate earlier.

It's so wonderful to have someone you love and who love you. :) 


春のきざし A Sign of Spring

It was a very beautiful day. It was still cold, but sunny and most of the snow has melted and I could tell spring was getting closer.

Since it was such a beautiful day, William and I went out to deliver some chocolate to our church friends nearby. It felt good walking down the street. It had been a long time since we last went for a walk. 

As we came home, we found many Iris buds coming out of the ground. Spring is almost here!

These are failed cream puff shells. I almost always fail. It's kind of hard to tell by looking at this photo, but they didn't get fluffed up. :(

So, I just cut the flat puffs into half and put the cream inside. It looks better with cream, but someday I will conquer!


台湾料理 Taiwanese Food

Brian cooked Taiwanese dish for dinner for us tonight.

これです!This is it!

The recipe called for some ingredients we don't normally use, so I was a little bit worried how it would turn out, but it turned out great! It has rice noodle in a bit spicy soup, and on top of it was some flank steak and cooked tomatoes. We don't have this type of Chinese food at all around here (all we have is Americanized Chinese food), but Brian said this one was authentic Taiwanese food. I have to have him cook more Chinese food for us more often.

So, this was from yesterday, but William made this for me in YMCA class. This person on the paper is me by the way. lol


ブロックフェスティバル Block Fest

今日はアイダホ州議会議事堂にYMCAのEarly Learning プログラムのみんなで行ってきました。YMCAのバスに乗るところから子供たちは興奮していました(^^)
YMCA's Early Learning Readiness program took us to the state capitol building today for a field trip. The kids were all excited to get on the school bus. :)

We went to the capitol for the block fest. There were lots of different kinds of blocks the kids could play with, and William had a great time playing with them since he loves blocks.

終わってからはまたいつものクラスがあるMorely Nelson小学校に戻ってそこのスクールランチをいただきました。日本の給食とは比べ物にならない質の悪いランチ(ハンバーガーとフライドポテトとか)で,絶対にウィリアムには学校のカフェテリアの食べ物は食べさせないと心に誓ったのでした(笑)
After that was over, we came back to Morley Nelson elementary school to have school lunch. The lunch quality was terrible especially compared to Japanese school lunch. You could pick a burger or hamburger helper thing, canned pinto beans, a banana, low fat milk (only skim, 1%, low far chocolate milk were available), and salad if you choose to eat. I promised myself I would never let William buy school lunch when he starts school. lol