
ハロウィーン Halloween

去年のハロウィーンは日本に帰っていて,ウィリアムにサルの着ぐるみみたいのを着せただけでひた。今年はミニオンになってハロウィーンの前日に行われた教会のハロウィーンパーティーに出かけました。日本人の友達家族3家族を招待してみんな来てくれてうれしかった~♪Trunk or Treatの前にディナー(チリーズとスープの料理対決)もあったのだけれど,予想以上のすごい人で座るテーブルも追加状態でお友達家族ともみんな別々のテーブルになってしまったりして焦りました。でも楽しんでくれたようでよかったです。ウィリアムもキャンディーをたくさんもらってその夜はキャンディーのバケツを枕元に置いて寝ました。笑 ハローウィン当日はtrick or treatには行かずに,家でtrick or treateに来る子たちにお菓子を配るだけにしたけれど,4人しか来なかったので,余ったお菓子食べれる~♪笑

William and I were in Japan for Halloween last year, so we were (or I was) looking for Halloween this year. William was a Minion this year. There was a ward dinner (chili/soup cook off) followed by games for the kids and trunk or treat. I had invited three of my Japanese friends and their family and they all came!! There were so many people who came to the party and we had to set up a few more tables and chairs. My Japanese friends and I were all sitting at different tables and I was so worried about them, but they seemed like they had fun. William got so many candies from trunk or treat and was so excited. He slept with the candies by his bed that night. On Halloween night, we didn't go trick or treating, but stayed home to give away candies to the trick or treaters. Only four of them came though. So, I have more candies to eat myself! 


パンプキンパッチ Pumpkin Patch


The YMCA class William goes to went to a field trip to The Farmstead in Meridian this morning during the class hour. It was a nice day but waaaay cold for me. I didn't bring my warm coat on, that was a big mistake. But the biggest mistake I made was about my camera. My little digital camera was almost out of the battery, so I grabbed my SLR, but it didn't have a memory card in! I was so mad at myself and so sad! But one of the mom friends (Paulina) was kind enough to take many pictures of William. And another friend (Hyacinth) took some too. I was so grateful for them! William and I had a great time, and the best of all, YMCA paid for all of us, so it was free! Yay!


ジャコランタン Jack-O-Lantern


We carved a pumpkin tonight and made a jack-o-lantern. Hope it doesn't get moldy before Halloween.


After William's pre-school, we went to a meeting with a group of Japanese moms with children 0 to pre pre-schooler. Yep, William should be graduated from the group, ha ha. We had a little Halloween party. Kids came in their costume (and one adult, ha ha!), and they were all so cute! William didn't want to join other kids when we tried to take kids' pictures, and kept asking me to hold him, so I had to be in the pictures with him. :( We had a potluck lunch and everyone brought yummy food, and had a great time together.




This happened two days ago as well, but we went out for dinner with one of our friends (and her husband) who shares the same birthday with me. We went to a sushi restaurant called Fujiyama. I didn't know until recently that they had such good sushi. One of my Japanese friends and her husband went there for dinner and brought us back some leftover sushi and they were sooo good! We had tried some sushi places here before, but they weren't all that great and I had given up on sushi here, but this place gave me a hope that I could live in Boise forever! lol

初粘土&絵具でお絵かき Play-dough & Painting Debut


So, this happened two days ago at the library for the early learning readiness program, but William tried play-dough and painting for the first time! You might think, duh he is three and he should have been able to a long time ago, but to William this was a progress. He hates anything that makes his hands dirty, so I was thrilled to see him willing to try them. He enjoyed both play-dough and painting. :)


Speaking of Alphabet, I finally finished making Japanese alphabet cards for William. I had made a bigger ones before, but they were just letters, and I wanted to make smaller ones with pictures. I tried to teach William some letters today, but to him, some of the letters looked like English letters. It will take a long time to teach him all of them.





ハローウィンデコレーション Halloween Decoration


I don't usually put much decoration for Halloween just because I'm lazy, but this year I felt I wanted a little bit more than pumpkin decoration and a jack-o-lantern, so I got some sticky decoration thing to put on the windows and a kit to make a wreath. It took me longer to make it than I thought, but it turned out great. :) By the way, I have been looking for an yellow t-shirt for William's costume, but I just can't find it anywhere! I found some online but it's too late to have it shipped. I'll try some more stores.


誕生祝い Birthday Party

今日は日曜だったので,家族で集まっていつものようにディナーして,その後少し遅れましたが,わたしと義母の誕生日のお祝いをしてもらいました。おいしいチーズケーキに一本だけロウソク立てて二人で吹き消しました(笑)プレゼントには,竹!と,鳩の風鈴をもらいました。(^v^) ところでディナーにはバーベキューステーキ♪最高でした!

We had a Sunday family dinner tonight as usual, and after the dinner we had a little birthday party for me and Kathi, my mother-in-law. We only put one candle on the yummy cheesecake (Kathi doesn't like cheesecake though). I got a bamboo and a dove wind chime. :) By the way, we had some great steak for dinner. It made my day!


お葬式と誕生日 Memorial Service and My Birthday

自分の誕生日の10月10日を含む8日から13日までコロラド州ボルダ―に行っていました。と言っても,ボルダ―のあたりにいたのは9日の夜から11日の朝までで,あとはほとんど車での長距離移動。行きはソルトレークのブライアンの弟夫婦の家に一泊し,次の日は11時間かけてボルダ―へ。10日はブライアンのおばあちゃんのメモリアルサービス(葬儀)を行って,次の日には教会に出席してその後すぐにまた帰途へ。帰りはグランドジャンクションで一泊し,さらにソルトレークで一泊したので一日の車での移動距離は少なかったけれど,それでも少なくとも一日5時間は車に乗っていたから疲れました。でもコロラドナショナルメモリアルや,ソルトレークのテンプルスクウェアに行ったり,チャイルド姉妹(伝道部会長の奥さん)やガードナー家(Willard and DeAnn)を訪問できたのでよかったです。誕生日は葬儀と重なってしまったけれど,家族からプレゼントをもらったり,カップケーキでお祝いしてもらったり,IHOPでシナモンロールをただでもらったり,それなりにお祝いしてもらいました。普段会えない義母の妹家族にも会えてよかったです。葬儀もとてもよい時間となりました。




Colorado National Momumentで

Colorado National Monumentで




伝道部会長だったチャイルド会長の奥さんと Holladay, Utah





サイズ Cize


Another Beachbody challenge group started today! This time, I'm doing Cize (dance exercise). It's so fun that it doesn't feel like you are working out. Sometimes I find myself smiling while I'm doing Cize. I love it. I hope I can endure until the end of this challenge group!


We had curry for dinner and I had tons! I did Cize tonight, but I don't think I even used 1/4 calories of what I had for dinner, but it's hard not to eat much with curry, right? 


総大会 General Conference


Today and tomorrow, General Conference of the LDS church are held in Salt Lake. We can watch the sessions on TV at home. So nice. William never takes his nap, but today he did during the morning sessions. The conference must be so long and boring to a three-year-old. During the afternoon session, we had the opportunity to sustain three new twelve apostles who were called to replace the former ones who had passed since the last conference. They are Elders Ronald A. Rasband, Gary E. Stevenson, Dale G. Renlund. Elder Stevenson was the former Asia North area president. He served his mission in Japan when he was young, and served as a Nagoya mission president several years ago as well. I saw him many times during the time I was working at the church office in Tokyo. He is going to be a great apostle!

夜ブライアンが総大会の神権会(男性の部会)に出席している間,ウィリアムとお留守番。ウィリアムが先日から食べたがっていた動物のクッキーを作って食べました(^v^) クッキーの写真を載せようとしたら保存されてなかったようで,今朝朝ごはんに食べたホットケーキ(バナナとチョコシロップのトッピング)を代わりに(笑)

While Brian was gone for the Priesthood session of the conference, William and I stayed home. William had been asking me for animal cookies, so I baked some for him. :)


発疹 Rash

You can hardly see the rash in the picture.


I found rash all over William's body this morning as I was changing his diaper. I called the urgent care and the doctor ended up giving him another antibiotic. The one he was taking was Amoxicillin, and I too got rash from it last time I was taking it. Is it genetic then?? William didn't sleep well at all last night and the night before. My guess is amoxicillin was doing something to his body.


I cooked pizza for dinner tonight with Korean BBQ sauce, chicken, green onions, and mushrooms. So yum!