
ハロウィーン Halloween

去年のハロウィーンは日本に帰っていて,ウィリアムにサルの着ぐるみみたいのを着せただけでひた。今年はミニオンになってハロウィーンの前日に行われた教会のハロウィーンパーティーに出かけました。日本人の友達家族3家族を招待してみんな来てくれてうれしかった~♪Trunk or Treatの前にディナー(チリーズとスープの料理対決)もあったのだけれど,予想以上のすごい人で座るテーブルも追加状態でお友達家族ともみんな別々のテーブルになってしまったりして焦りました。でも楽しんでくれたようでよかったです。ウィリアムもキャンディーをたくさんもらってその夜はキャンディーのバケツを枕元に置いて寝ました。笑 ハローウィン当日はtrick or treatには行かずに,家でtrick or treateに来る子たちにお菓子を配るだけにしたけれど,4人しか来なかったので,余ったお菓子食べれる~♪笑

William and I were in Japan for Halloween last year, so we were (or I was) looking for Halloween this year. William was a Minion this year. There was a ward dinner (chili/soup cook off) followed by games for the kids and trunk or treat. I had invited three of my Japanese friends and their family and they all came!! There were so many people who came to the party and we had to set up a few more tables and chairs. My Japanese friends and I were all sitting at different tables and I was so worried about them, but they seemed like they had fun. William got so many candies from trunk or treat and was so excited. He slept with the candies by his bed that night. On Halloween night, we didn't go trick or treating, but stayed home to give away candies to the trick or treaters. Only four of them came though. So, I have more candies to eat myself! 

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