
4年目のブルーベリー The 4th Year Blueberries

今年でブルーベリーを育てて(単に植えてかもぉ)4年目になります!何も世話してないので最初に期待していたほど出来もたいして良くないのだけれど、毎年実をつけてくれます。今年も実がなってきました☆ 20個+くらいかなあ。そのうち幾つかはもう紫色になってもうすぐ収穫できそう♪ 鳥にやられないようにしなくちゃ。そのうちパイナップルについても報告します☆

This is the 4th year I have had the blueberry tree. I just planted and haven't really taken care of it, so it hasn't really grown as I hoped for, but every year it produces berries. It has produced about 20 berries again this year, and some of them have turned purple already, yay! From now on, I will have to keep my eye on the blueberries so that birds won't pick them! I should also report on my pineapples soon.

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