William is in a white t-shirt, just standing there.
William and I went to the story time at the library for the first time in a long time. William didn't want to go, but I just made him go. He was quietly sitting while the books were read, and didn't show much interest in the bubbles. He got excited when they put toys out, but got mad and started throwing toys when a little kid started playing with the toys William was playing. :( I met a lady who used to be in the same facebook workout group last year for the first time in person, saw a Japanese mom and two sons who came to the mom-kids activity yesterday, and one of my friends in the same ward was came too. I was glad I went.
今晩6時から同じ教会の女の人たちの「Boring Women's Group」(つまらない女性のグループ)というグループの初の集まりがあって,近くのU-Swirlというフローズンヨーグルトのお店に行ってきました。自分の好きなフローズンヨーグルトをカップに入れて量り売りのセルフサービスが気に入りました。その後映画鑑賞(シンデレラ)もあったけれど,わたしとウィリアムはフローズンヨーグルトだけ食べて帰ってきました。アイスクリームよりも軽い感じでとてもおいしかったです♪また今度行きたいです。
William and I also went to a women's group called "Boring Women's Group". One of the sisters in the ward started it recently and today was the first time we had the activity. We met at U-Swirl (frozen yogurt place) and some people went to see Cinderella afterward. Of course William and I came home since William wouldn't be able to sit through the movie. I loved the frozen yogurt! I want to go back there again.
これは,今年初めてうちの畑で取れたズッキーニ♪ だんだん大きくなってきたなあと思っているうちにすごく大きくなってしまいました。大きさを比べるためにうちわと撮ってみました。
We got our first zucchini for the year! I saw it the other day and thought we could pick it soon, but in a few days it grew so much! I took the picture right next to a fan. Can you tell how big the zucchini is?
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