
クリスマスの準備 Christmas Prep


Now that Thanksgiving is over, it's all Christmasy everywhere. We still had Thanksgiving decorations out, but finally decided to put some Christmas ones out today. During the day, I put a wreath on our front door, and another one inside the house. I also put two ribbons under the lights in the front room, hung stockings by the fireplace, put advent calendar on a shelf, and changed the table cloth to Christmas one. And the first meal we had with the Christmas table cloth was Okonomiyaki. They totally match, right? lol We put some more decorations and nativity scenes out for the FHE activity tonight. The only thing we have to do is to get a tree and put ornaments, and buy some poinsettias. :) I'll post more pictures later. 


パイ食べ放題! All You Can Eat Pies!

6 pies! - Pecan, two kinds of pumpkin, apple pie,
banana cream, and chocolate.

These are the cookies I brought to dinner
(Chocolate & butterscotch chips cookies)

Watching a DVD with cousins.


We went down to Caldwell for family dinner this evening since it was Sunday. For dessert, there were so many leftover pies from Thanksgiving. Plus there were some pumpkin cake, and I brought cookies too. I had two kinds of pumpkin pies and a piece of pumpkin cake. I am sooo full! By the way, it was super freezing today!!


ラーメン&チャーハン Ramen & Fried Rice


We went Black Friday shopping today. There were so many people everywhere, but I was able to get William three long sleeve shirts and a pair of jeans for only $15! I was on cloud nine! It was super cold while we were out, so I decided to have a hot ramen for dinner. Ramen and fried rice were just what I needed in this cold weather.


クリスマスツリー・スカート Christmas Tree Skirt


It was Black Friday today, but we stayed home and hung out all day. We don't like to go shopping for Black Friday because there are so many people at stores and we don't like the crowd. Plus it was below freezing today, so there was no way I could have gone outside! I thought of buying a pair of boots online, but shoes are hard to buy online you know, so didn't buy anything. I got kind of bored today and decided to make a Christmas tree skirt. It's more like a Christmas tree stand mat. We buy a real tree and have to give the tree water, so a tree skirt doesn't work well. It's not an exciting color, but this was the only fabric I had that was big enough to make a tree skirt, and it will just be underneath the tree and covered with presents anyway, so this is good enough.


These cookies are called galette (French). Love the butter flavor! They kind of came out flat, so I'll try to bake them again to see if I could make them look better. :)


感謝祭 Thanksgiving


It was Thanksgiving today. We had a great Thanksgiving dinner with family and relatives, but I didn't take any pictures of the feast. But instead, here is one of the pictures we took at a park this morning for the Christmas card. This one is actually not the one we chose for the card, but one of the pictures we liked. It was freezing cold so it was hard for William to keep smiling. lol


パンプキンパイ Pumpkin Pies


I baked pumpkin pies today. Yah three of them! I just wanted to bake one for my family to have, but ended up having more than three pies worth filling, so I baked three of them. I wasn't assigned to bring a pie to Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow, but decided to bring one anyway. And we are keeping one to eat, and the third one, I decided to give our next door neighbor who recently moved in, then they gave us some homemade (the husband made) fudge and two kinds of nuts treats in return! They were so yummy! I'm glad that I gave them a pie! lol Oh, we already tasted the pie and it was yummy!


By the way, it was snowing most of the day today. I had to shovel the snow out of our driveway this evening for the first time this year. Weather forecast says it's going to be super cold this weekend. We have to be careful when we travel on the road.


なべ Nabe (Hot Pot Dish)

今日もめっちゃくちゃ寒くって,夕飯はなべ!いつもいくスーパーで白菜がいいのがなくって,ほかのお店にいったら,白菜がなく,白菜っぽいのがあったからこれは白菜と同じ?って店員さんに確認してかったけど,実際取り出して切ってみたらキャベツじゃん!うそつきー!どうりで見た目キャベツ見たいと思った。苦笑 もうそれしかないからキャベツで代用して,まあ食べれたけれどちょっとがっくり。明日も鍋の予定だけど,明日はキムチ鍋にする。そしたらキャベツもっといけそう。一玉じゃあ足りないかと思って二つもキャベツ買っちゃったから,来週は確実にお好み焼き,餃子,焼きそば食べるだろうな。

It was super cold again today, so nabe was the perfect dish for dinner to keep us warm! You are supposed to use Chinese cabbage for one of the ingredients but the one I had bought believing it was Chinese cabbage was actually a cabbage! I even asked the store staff if it was the same as Chinese cabbage because they looked like cabbage, but they had a normal cabbage as well. Oh well. We are having nabe again tomorrow, but I'll cook kimchi nabe. That probably go better with the cabbage. I bought two of those cabbages, so we'll still have lots of cabbage after tomorrow. I'm sure we'll be having Okonomiyaki, gyoza, and yakisoba next week.


ジューサー Juicer


One of the families in the ward is moving soon and was trying to get rid of some of their kitchen stuff. One of them was a juicer and I got it for free! We were talking about juicers at family dinner on Sunday a few weeks ago and I kind of wanted it, so I'm happy that I got it even for free!


After we came from church, I somehow decided to bake cashew nuts sugar cookies. I know you see some almonds in the picture, but that's because I ran out of cashews and had to substitute almonds for the cashews. The cookies tasted OK, but could use some improvement.


By the way, it was really cold today. When I woke up this morning around 7:30, it was 24.8 F. It is predicted that it gets down to 13 F on this coming Friday morning (Black Friday)!! There is no way that I go out for shopping on that day!


郵便受け Mailbox


Our mailbox along with our neighbor's was damaged by someone, and looked pretty pathetic. Since it was old too, we decided to get a new one instead of fixing it. I didn't think it looked that terrible until I saw the picture I took! lol I guess it was good that someone destroyed so that we could get a brand new one. :)


We had cream stew for dinner. It's always nice have something like this when it's cold. 

ウィリアムの散髪 Gave William A Haircut


I gave William a haircut yesterday, but I couldn't post it because my PC was stinking slow and had to shut down and by the time I was finally get it to work again, the date had changed. I was so frustrated with my PC. May be it's time to get a new one! William used to hate getting his hair cut, but lately he lets me cut it without much whining, and that helps. He repeatedly asked me (like 20 times!) "Is it done?" though. lol He looks totally different with shorter hair. I feel bad that he always looks like a monkey after I cut his hair.  


冬到来 Winter Has Come!


It snowed here for the first time two nights ago, and snowed again last night and it looked like this outside when I got up this morning. Luckily it wasn't so cold today that all the snow melted away.


We had missionaries over for dinner tonight. There was a transfer last week, and one of the Elders went home, and two new Elders came, so they are threesome! Of course I had not heard about it, so I was worried if there was enough food for them all, but there was. And of course those two who visited our home for the first time had to try Natto (fermented soy beans). They tried to be polite and not to make "Ugh, this is disgusting!!" face. :)


姪っ子の誕生会 My Niece's Birthday Party

今日は2週間ぶりに家族で集まり,日曜日恒例のディナーをしてから,姪っ子(ブライアンの妹の子)の14歳の誕生会をしました。激甘のケーキとアイスクリームでお祝い。初めて会ったときはまだ8歳か9歳で,背もすごく小さかったのに,なんか自分と同じくらいになっちゃいました。彼女の家族みんなDr. Whoというテレビ番組にはまっていて,そのトリビアゲームをプレゼントであげたら(ブライアンの案で)家族みんなでテンション上がってました(笑)

It had been two weeks since we had Sunday dinner with family in Caldwell. After the dinner, we had a birthday party for my niece (Brian's sister's daughter), Aria, who turned fourteen on the 9th. She was so little when I first met her, but now about the same height as me. She and her whole family loves the TV show, Dr. Who, and they were excited when they saw Dr. Who's trivia game we gave for Aria. It was Brian's idea. Good job Brian. :)


落ち葉のかき集め Raking Leaves



We raked leaves in our backyard today. There were so many leaves and as we were raking, new leaves would fall down and the work seemed endless! I'm glad we got to work on it today though. Brian told me the the weather forecast says it might rain or snow tomorrow.

In the evening, we went to the Cheneys, our friends' house for a potluck dinner. My Japanese friend Yukiko and her family came too. It was so much fun. We found out that Yuya, Yukiko's husband used to live in Thailand when he was in elementary school and he went to the Catholic school where he learned to say a prayer before meal. 


アップルパイ Apple Pie


I baked an apple pie today. I had been wanting to bake one since I got apples from a friend of mine in the ward last week. The pie turned out OK, but the crust was a bit hard. I don't do well on making crusts and usually just get frozen pie crusts, but it would be nice if I could make the crust by myself. 


We had hamburger steak for dinner. I use different recipe for the sauce every time, and it sometimes turns out good, sometimes not so good, but tonight's one was a Japanese style sauce with mushrooms and it turned out pretty good. 


結婚4周年記念日 4th Anniversary

今日は結婚4周年記念日でした。今年はお金がないので(ほんとに!)わたしはブライアンに何も用意せず,昨日の残りの夕飯を弁当に持たせてご飯の上に☺❤4th (Happy ❤ 4th Anniversaryの意味)と海苔を付けただけ(笑)。ブライアンにも何もいらないよと言ってあったけれど,カードとベルギーチョコレートとマカダミアチョコレートをくれました。二人で(ウィリアムもだけど)一緒にシェアして食べる予定です。一応ディナーには出かけようということで,また行ってきました,Fujiyamaに!ブライアンは寿司,わたしは天ぷらを頼みました。ウィリアムも連れて行ったのだけれど予想どおり何も食べず,持って行ったチーズのパンを食べてました。あっという間の4年で,山あり谷ありだったけれど,なんとかやってこれて軌道に乗ってきた感じ。ブライアンが短気なわたしに忍耐強くいてくれたことが大きい。。。これからもっと良い家庭を築けるように頑張ります。

It was our 4th anniversary today. I didn't have any money to buy anything for Brian, so the only thing I did for him was to pack a lunch (with leftover dinner from last night, lol) and said ☺❤4th (meaning Happy ❤ 4th Anniversary) using Nori (seaweed). I had told Brian not to get anything for me, but he got a card, Belgium chocolate, and macadamia nuts chocolate for us (William would probably join us) to share. We didn't have whole a lot of money, but decided to go out for dinner at least, and we went to Fujiyama (the Japanese restaurant we love). Brian ordered sushi and I ordered tempura, and we shared (just a little bit, lol). We had William with us, and he didn't eat any food at the restaurant of course, but ate cheese bread I brought from home. We have had ups and downs during our first four years of marriage, but I think we are doing better every year (Thanks to Brian who has been so patient with me who is short tempered). I hope we will continue to do better to make our home a happy place.


チキンカレー Chicken Curry



I had to work on a translation project today, so Brian took William out in the afternoon to the airport to see the control tower and to the bookstore, etc. While they were gone, I did NOT work on the project, but took a nap! lol But I was able to focus on the project after the nap and was able to finish it today.

In the morning, I tried to potty train William. It didn't go well. :( He would go to the bathroom and sit on the potty and sing for a long time, but wouldn't actually go potty. So I would tell him he didn't have to sit on the potty if he didn't want to go potty. And not long after I put him his underwear on, he wet his pants. He repeated that. But, when I tried to potty train him before, he wouldn't even tell me that he wet his pants, but this time, he just went to the bathroom by himself and took his underwear and sat on the potty. So, that's a progress I guess.


We had chicken curry for dinner tonight. I cooked it from the scratch without using regular curry roux. Brian and I both love curry, and we love trying out different kinds of curry.


ナップフォードステーション Knapford Station


Brian made a plan a while ago to get a Napford Station (from Thomas & Friends) to make William want to go potty, and the station came in mail today. William doesn't get to play with it until he gets potty trained. As soon as he saw the station, he wanted to use potty and sat on it for a while. He didn't actually go potty, but it was a good start. Hopefully he will continue to be motivated and get potty trained!


マカロニ&チーズ Macaroni & Cheese

今日は忙しい一日でした。朝ウィリアムをプリスクールに送って行きながら,友達の子も一緒に送り迎えして,ウィリアムがいない間に昨日久しぶりに来た仕事を少しやったりして,午後は同じ教会に集うメキシコ人の姉妹の家に行ってスペイン語を教えてもらい,帰ってきてこのマカロニ&チーズを作り,夜はウィリアムを寝かしつけてから運動して,仕事を少しやって今に至る。。。で,このマカロニ&チーズ,欲しかった「Fabio's American Kitchen」という料理本の中にあるレシピからのもので,イタリア人のファビオのレシピ。4種類のチーズを使い,普通のマカロニ&チーズよりも全然おいしい~ってわたしには分からなかったけれど(いつも食べないから),ブライアンはすごいおいしいって言って食べてました。大量にあるからあと2日くらい食べ続けなければならないよな~。

It was such a busy day. In the morning, I gave a ride to and from preschool for my friend's daughter along with William. While William was in preschool, I worked on the translation project I received last night and did some other things I needed to do. Then in the afternoon, I went to a Mexican Sister's home to learn Spanish, and cooked the macaroni & cheese in this picture. Then after we put William to bed, I worked out, and worked more on the translation project, and now updating my blog. But anyway, I want to talk about this macaroni & cheese I cooked using the recipe from the book called "Fabio's American Kitchen". The recipe calls for four different kinds of cheese and it tastes much better than the regular macaroni & cheese. Well, I actually couldn't tell if it was any better than normal homemade macaroni & cheese because I don't normally eat it, but apparently Brian liked it a lot. We have a ton of leftover and probably have to eat it two more days for sure.


チャレンジグループ最終日 The Last Day of The Challenge Group


Today was the last day of this challenge group. For a month, I worked out everyday except Sundays. I didn't really lose weight, but really enjoyed doing Cize (dance exercise) everyday. It's the last day of this challenge group, but the next one starts on the 9th, so not much time to rest. It's good though because I wouldn't exercise at all if I wasn't in the challenge group.


We had Bibimbap for dinner. It tasted totally different from the one I'm used to having, but I guess Brian liked it since he is planning on bringing the leftover for lunch tomorrow. 


As for William, he hasn't been willing to eat real foods since Halloween. He has been wanting to eat candies all the time. He was begging me to give him chocolate today after he had some already, so instead, I baked some mini muffins for him and he had 6 of them at once! And of course he hardly had any dinner afterwards. :(


By the way, I went to the dentist for the first time in the US (after I got married). I was hesitant to go for the longest time since our insurance doesn't cover dental, but I couldn't wait until I go back to Japan. The dentist gave me an estimate of the dental work they will have to work on my tooth (yes, just one tooth), and it would cost more than 2,000 dollars! That's insane!!! It would only cost like 200 dollars in Japan even without insurance! Brian has to work his butt off. lol