
なべ Nabe (Hot Pot Dish)

今日もめっちゃくちゃ寒くって,夕飯はなべ!いつもいくスーパーで白菜がいいのがなくって,ほかのお店にいったら,白菜がなく,白菜っぽいのがあったからこれは白菜と同じ?って店員さんに確認してかったけど,実際取り出して切ってみたらキャベツじゃん!うそつきー!どうりで見た目キャベツ見たいと思った。苦笑 もうそれしかないからキャベツで代用して,まあ食べれたけれどちょっとがっくり。明日も鍋の予定だけど,明日はキムチ鍋にする。そしたらキャベツもっといけそう。一玉じゃあ足りないかと思って二つもキャベツ買っちゃったから,来週は確実にお好み焼き,餃子,焼きそば食べるだろうな。

It was super cold again today, so nabe was the perfect dish for dinner to keep us warm! You are supposed to use Chinese cabbage for one of the ingredients but the one I had bought believing it was Chinese cabbage was actually a cabbage! I even asked the store staff if it was the same as Chinese cabbage because they looked like cabbage, but they had a normal cabbage as well. Oh well. We are having nabe again tomorrow, but I'll cook kimchi nabe. That probably go better with the cabbage. I bought two of those cabbages, so we'll still have lots of cabbage after tomorrow. I'm sure we'll be having Okonomiyaki, gyoza, and yakisoba next week.

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