
結婚4周年記念日 4th Anniversary

今日は結婚4周年記念日でした。今年はお金がないので(ほんとに!)わたしはブライアンに何も用意せず,昨日の残りの夕飯を弁当に持たせてご飯の上に☺❤4th (Happy ❤ 4th Anniversaryの意味)と海苔を付けただけ(笑)。ブライアンにも何もいらないよと言ってあったけれど,カードとベルギーチョコレートとマカダミアチョコレートをくれました。二人で(ウィリアムもだけど)一緒にシェアして食べる予定です。一応ディナーには出かけようということで,また行ってきました,Fujiyamaに!ブライアンは寿司,わたしは天ぷらを頼みました。ウィリアムも連れて行ったのだけれど予想どおり何も食べず,持って行ったチーズのパンを食べてました。あっという間の4年で,山あり谷ありだったけれど,なんとかやってこれて軌道に乗ってきた感じ。ブライアンが短気なわたしに忍耐強くいてくれたことが大きい。。。これからもっと良い家庭を築けるように頑張ります。

It was our 4th anniversary today. I didn't have any money to buy anything for Brian, so the only thing I did for him was to pack a lunch (with leftover dinner from last night, lol) and said ☺❤4th (meaning Happy ❤ 4th Anniversary) using Nori (seaweed). I had told Brian not to get anything for me, but he got a card, Belgium chocolate, and macadamia nuts chocolate for us (William would probably join us) to share. We didn't have whole a lot of money, but decided to go out for dinner at least, and we went to Fujiyama (the Japanese restaurant we love). Brian ordered sushi and I ordered tempura, and we shared (just a little bit, lol). We had William with us, and he didn't eat any food at the restaurant of course, but ate cheese bread I brought from home. We have had ups and downs during our first four years of marriage, but I think we are doing better every year (Thanks to Brian who has been so patient with me who is short tempered). I hope we will continue to do better to make our home a happy place.

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