
初物ミニトマト First Cherry Tomato

今日は真っ黄色になった黄色いミニトマトを初めて収穫しました。一つだけだけど。笑 ウィリアムが率先してもぎ取ってくれました。手の圧力で握りつぶしてしまわないかとひやひやしてたけどなんとか大丈夫でした。「そーっとしてあげてよ」と何度も言い聞かせてました。

We harvested our first yellow cherry tomato (yes, just one, lol) tonight. William was willing to get it off the plant, and that made me a little nervous. I was afraid he might squeeze it in his hand, but he did fine. I kept telling him to be gentle to the tomato. :)


We had gyoza (pot stickers) for dinner tonight. It had been a while and they were so yummy! Whenever we buy cabbage, we have to eat gyoza and okonomiyaki to use up the cabbage. 

今日も良い一日でした☆ ちょっとわたし髪の毛ひどいですが。。。

It was a pretty good day. My hair looks terrible though.

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