I was going to take William to the elementary school nearby to let him play at the play ground today, but it started raining in the morning, so we went to the mall instead to ride the escalators. :) We left after 11 am and rode the escalators and walked around the mall for a while, then went to the food court for lunch. We had McDonald's.
それからまた少しエスカレーターを乗り降りしたりしてから恒例のSee's Candyでチョコレートをゲット。いつもウィリアムにはいちばん安いチョコ(ピエロの)を買ってあげて、自分とブライアンにはトリュフを一粒ずつ買います。わたしとウィリアムはいつも無料のチョコを一つおまけにもらうのでそれをもって家に帰って二人で食べるのが習慣になってます。でも高いから、なるべくモールには行かないようにしてるけどね。
Then we rode the escalators some more and went to See's candy to get some chocolate as usual before we came home. I always buy William the cheapest chocolate there (clown one), and truffle for me and Brian. William and I always get a free chocolate too. :)
And I baked some cheese and chocolate chip rolls this afternoon upon William's request. I just had my bread machine to make the dough and put some cheese and chocolate chips in each roll. It was easy. And I didn't have to worry about how they look since William was going to eat them, ha ha.
And this was our dinner last night and tonight. Spaghetti with tomato sauce. I love this because it's so easy and doesn't take much time to cook.
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