There was a Christmas party (more like breakfast) this morning. We sat at the same table as two of the missionaries.
After the yummy breakfast, there was a skit Primary children participated in. William was one of the angels (He didn't have a costume on though).
After that, Santa came and each child sat on his lap and was asked what they wanted for Christmas. I heard William say "Kitchen set". lol I wonder if Santa will bring it to him for Christmas. :)
今晩はブライアンの職場のクリスマスディナーもあって,CaldwellにあるIndian Creek Steakhouseというレストランに行きました。おいしいステーキをたらふく食べて苦しすぎ。ウィリアムを見てくれたブライアンの家族に感謝。
There was a Christmas dinner for Brian's firm as well. We had it at a restaurant called Indian Creek Steakhouse in Caldwell. While we were there, Brian's family watched William for us which we were grateful for. We had a great steak, but I ate too much...
Christmas lights in downtown in Caldwell
2 件のコメント:
サンタ全然違うよね!笑 ウィリアムは初めてサンタにだっこしてもらったんだ~。